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7th Life Science Cell Theory Timeline

  • The First Ever Compound Microscope

    The First Ever Compound Microscope
    Zacharias and Hans Janssen invent the world's first compound microscope. They worked together as father in son and help improve the future.
  • Robert Hooke Views Cork Cells.

    Robert Hooke Views Cork Cells.
    In 1665, Robert Hooke examined (under a primitive microscope) thin slices of cork from a cork tree. He discovered there were some "Patterns" or what we know as cells in the viewing. This lead to a lot of questioning and discussions.
  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    In 1674, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek disucssed the algae Spirogyra, naming the moving organisms animalcules, meaning "Little Animals".
  • Leeuwenhoek describes the Necleus of Blood Cells

    Leeuwenhoek describes the Necleus of Blood Cells
    In 1682, Leeuwenhoek described what the nucleus of a Red Blood Cell looked liked and the parts it was made up of. He also explained the main role of the red/white blood cells.
  • Leeuwenhoek Discovers Bacteria

    Bacteria is discovered. A great advance in Cell Science, improving the Cell Theory. We use this discovery to figure out what cells start diseases and cause sickness, we also find cures.
  • The Cell Theory was Established.

    The Cell Theory was Established.
    In 1839, Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jack Scheilden, two famous biologists proposed the start of the Cell Theory that still exists today.
  • Rudolf Virchow Endoses Cell Division

    Rudolf Virchow  Endoses Cell Division
    Rudolf Virchow heartily endorses cell division and the role it plays in pathology.
  • Louis Pasteur Tests the Theory of Spontaneous Generation.

    Louis Pasteur Tests the Theory of Spontaneous Generation.
    Louis Pasteur preformed a lengthy experiment involving rotten meat and flies. He was testing the theory of Spontaneous Generation, the theory in which living things arise from now living things. He proves this theory wrong in a hurry.