

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    By a Serb nationalist. Ferdinand was heir to Austro-Hungarian throne
  • Period: to


  • Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia

  • Russia mobilises forces

    Russia mobilises forces
  • Germany declares war on Russia

  • Germany and Turkey sign agreement

  • Aus. gov offers Royal Aus Navy vessels and troops to Britain

    In case of war. 20000 troops
  • War was declared on Germany

    War was declared on Germany
    Map of CampaignBy British empire and Canada following invasion of Belguim. AUS was legally and constitutionally commited to Britain
  • Aus. and NZ declare war on Germany

  • 1st Convoy of Aus. troops left for war

    Leave from Albany, WA
  • About 50 000 Australian men had enlisted in AIF

  • 1st Aus. convoy arrived in Egypt

    1st Aus. convoy arrived in Egypt
    For training. Troops formed with NZ to make ANZACs and were under commanded by British general (Sir William Birdwood)
  • Italy joined the Allied Power

    Italy joined the Allied Power
    Allied Powers: Britiain and it's empire, France, Russia, Serbia, Greece, Japan etc. Central powers (opposing): Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria
  • Western front was in deadlock and Russian army was floundering on the Eastern front

  • Naval attack on Turkish defences along Dardanelles

    Ended in a month with failure
  • 2nd attempt at controlling Dardanelles

    A British and French fleet of 18 battle ships attempted to force the Dardanelles After 3 Royal Navy battleships were sunk and another 3 were damaged. The emphasis of operation shifted from sea assault to land assault
  • Anzacs leave Lemnos and sail for Gallipoli

  • 2nd phase of campaign began

    With major attacks at several points on beaches at Cape Helles and Gaba Tepe. Was seen as vital to dominate penisula. British General Sir Ian Hamilton was in command of landing force. Landings were blighted by errors
  • 1st British attack on the village of Krithia

    Target was Achi Baba
  • 1st Detailed account of Anzac landings was published in Aus.

    Published in Melb. Argus, reproduced from British newspapers. Was written by Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett. Headline: 'Australians at Dardanelles: Thrilling Deeds of Heroism'
  • Major General Bridges is shot in leg

    Major General Bridges is shot in leg
    At Gallipoli
  • Bridges dies

    Bridges dies
    Due to wound
  • May Offensive

    Turks tried to drive Anazacs off peninsula. 19-20 May
  • Turkish attack

    Turkish attack
    Desires to drive Anzacs off Gallipoli but fails. More than 10000 Turks are killed or wounded
  • Simpson was killed

    Simpson was killed
    Private John Simpson Kirkpatrick
  • 8 hour truce at Anzac Cove

    Used to bury dead on both sides
    7:30am - 4:30pm
  • Period: to

    August Offensive - Allies

    Lone Pine 6-9 Aug.
    Nek 7 Aug - failed
    Australian attacks
  • Removal of British commander of Gallipoli campaign

    Removal of British commander of Gallipoli campaign
    Removal of Sir Ian Hamilton
  • Aus. Red Cross Missing and Wounded Enquiry Bureau set up

    Aus. Red Cross Missing and Wounded Enquiry Bureau set up
    Set up by Vera Deakin
  • British gov approve of Gallipoli evacuation

  • Evacuation of Anzacs begins

  • Midwinter evacuation of Allied troops from Anzac cove

    19-20 Dec. Most succesful operation in campaign Campaign cost Allies 265000 casulaties incl. 46000 dead. Turks suffered 250000 casualties incl. 86000 killed. Anzacs - 26111 Aus. casulaties incl. 8709 killed
  • Midwinter evacuation from Cape Helles

    8-9 Jan. Proved to be most successful in operation
  • Anzacs land in France

    Terrible fighting on Western front
  • 1st Anzac Commemoration

    1st Anzac Commemoration
    Large crowds attend church and public services
  • United States joined Allied Powers

    United States joined Allied Powers
  • Turkey surrenders

    Turkey surrenders
    Ends Turkish involvement in WWI
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Ends fighting of WW1
  • War ends

    Armistice signed by Germany. Formal agreement - offically ends the war
  • Bean returned to Anzac Cove

    Reported that the dead should remain buried where they fell