Raeda in fossā manebat adhuc.
The carriage was still stuck in the ditch. -
Eucleides videt cauponam.
Eucleides sees an inn. -
Aurelia timet pernoctare in caupona.
Aurelia is scared to spend the night in the inn. -
Aurelia dicet, "Caupa est periculum"
Aurelia says, "Innkeepers are dangerous" -
Eucleides dicit, "Nullum est periculum. Caupo est meus amicus"
Eucleides says, "Nothing is dangerous. The innkeeper is my friend" -
Aurelia dicit, "Cornelius est Senator Romanus. Senatores Romanī in cauponīs nōn pernoctant"
Aurelia says, "Cornelius is a Roman Senator. Roman senators can't spend the night in any inn" -
Cornelius dicit, "In Viā Appiā pernoctare non possumus."
Cornelius says "We can't spend the night in the Appian Way" -
Pueri eunt ad Cornelium.
The boys go to Cornelius. -
Cornelii et Eucleides eunt ad cauponam.
The Cornelii and Eucleides go toward the inn. -
Raedarius manebat in via et raedam custodiebat.
The driver was staying in the road and was guarding the carriage.