
7.2 Timeline

  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    Created the idea that persons, groups, and races should have the same laws. He believed that the stong were more powerful in cultural influences over the weak.
  • Elisha Otis

    Elisha Otis
    Built a safety device to keep elevators from falling if a cable snaps. He invented the brake used in elevators today which made skyscrapers possible.
  • Macy's

    Founded by Isidor Staus and Rowland Hussey Macy. Originally called R. H. Macy & Co. Sold manufactured goods at low prices.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Carnegie led the expansiion of the American steel industry. In 1901, he then sold it to John Pierpont Morgan for $480 million.
  • Christopher Sholes

    Christopher Sholes
    Sholes invented the typewriter. Finding that the keys got stuck, he rearranged the letters to give us our keyboard layout today.
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Alexander Graham Bell
    Bell was very interested in the education of deaf people. This led him to invent a micrphone and then eventually a telephone. The telephone made it possible to talk to people long-distance and was a great success.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Edison's first invention was the phonograph but his most famous invention was the lightbulb. The lightbulb has become some of the most used inventions today. The phonograph has been updated since then and is now used as an MP3 player.
  • Joel Tiffany

    Joel Tiffany
    Tiffany was a pioneer in the design of the refridgerated railroad car. The refridgerated was able to be cooled for a long perios of time, making it easier to ship food long distances.
  • Gustavus Swift

    Gustavus Swift
    Was the founder of a meat-packing firm called Swif and Company. He aslo helped promote the refridgerated railroad car.
  • F. W. Woolworth

    F. W. Woolworth
    Woolworth was the founder of the F. W. Woolworth Co. 5 and 10 Cent Store. This shop sold factory-made goods and selled them for very low prices. It was the first store to go global.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    Rockefeller was the founder of Standard Oil Company. He was also the first great business trust in the U.S.
  • George Eastman

    George Eastman
    Eastman invented the roll film and Kodak camera. He aslso founded the Eastman Kodak Company.
  • Ottmar Mergenthaler

    Ottmar Mergenthaler
    Mergenthaler invented the Linotype machine. This was the first machine that could type complete lines when printing.