6th period road to religious freedom

By boboc
  • religious requirements for voting

    religious requirements for voting
    there are two qualifications for vote:
    1. adult male and own property
    2. has to be a member at the church
  • the pilgrims

    the pilgrims
    they came for religious freedom. they settled in plymouth mass. they are tolerant. they were the first ones to celebrate thanksgiving.
  • the puritans

    the puritans
    they came for religious freedom. they settled in mass bay. they are not tolerant.
  • maryland-the catholic experiment

    maryland-the catholic experiment
    they came because they were being pecsecusted for their religious beliefs. catholics settled in maryland. they are also extremely tolerant.
  • dissent in massachusetts bay

    dissent in massachusetts bay
    will get banished if you don't listen to what puritans said. anne hutchinson and roger williams got banished. anne hutchinson got banished because she questioned a church leader.
  • more dissent in massachusetts bay

    more dissent in massachusetts bay
    believes in separation of church and state. also at that time found rhode island.
  • quakers in pennsylvania and new jersey

    quakers in pennsylvania and new jersey
    quakers were in penn, they believe in equality
  • the first great awakening

    the first great awakening
    renewed interest at church and religion
  • virginia statutes for religious freedom

    virginia statutes for religious freedom
    made separation of church a requirement to all colonies