Schooled cover

Schooled - Ben Ames

  • Exposition #1 - Background

    Exposition #1 - Background
    In the exposition, we find out that Cap's parents both died a while ago and he lives with his hippie grandmother at Garland Farms, a hippie commune. Cap is thirteen years old and can drive! He is a true hippie and learns teachings from his grandmother.
  • Exposition #2 - Setting

    Exposition #2 - Setting
    The story begins in Garland Farms, the hippie commune, where Cap is arrested because of driving. Also, Rain falls off the plum tree. Because of her fall she is taken to The Garland Hospital, where the second half of the exposition takes place.
  • Exposition #3 - Characters

    Exposition #3 - Characters
    Capricorn Anderson (Cap)
    police officer
    Mrs. Donnely
  • Rising Action #1 - Major Conflict

    Rising Action #1 - Major Conflict
    Cap has to move in with Mrs. Donnely, a lady he does not know and will stay there until Rain is able to take care of him after her fall. He will have to be a normal kid, what he is NOT used to doing. He also has to attend Claverage Middle School, where he will not fit in.
  • Rising Action #2

    Rising Action #2
    Zach Powers, a popular kid wants to make Cap the president, which would follow the Claverage Middle School tradition of making the president a laughing stock, since Cap is so weird.
  • Rising Action #3

    Rising Action #3
    As Cap continues to be picked on, he is notified that he will have to stay with Mrs. Donnely for about a month more.
  • Rising Action #4

    Rising Action #4
    Naomi, a girl that was part of the bullying group, now starts to see his inner-self and starts to like him a little. The problem is, Cap doesn't trust her and doesn't think of her as a friend.
  • Rising Action #5

    Rising Action #5
    Cap is elected class president, exactly what he didn't want, and hopes for the best as his life comes crashing down!!
  • Rising Action #6

    Cap wants to do something nice for Sophie, Mrs. Donelly's daughter, and decides to get her a gift. Sophie's dad left after stopping by for a day (Mr. and Mrs. Donnely are divorced), and Sophie is upset.
  • Climax

    When Mr. Rodrigo has a heart attack while driving the school bus, Capricorn begins to drive the bus and takes it to the hospital. But, Cap gets arrested for driving, and faces cosequences. After getting about of trouble, the school thinks of him as a hero.
  • Falling Action #1

    Falling Action #1
    The whole school, including Sophie, are starting to like Cap for his heroic move. He is doing a good job as school president, and the popular group is starting to run out of ideas.
  • Falling Action #2

    Naomi finds the true Cap and begins to like him. She unexpectedly kisses Cap, which suprises him and confuses him. Everything is starting to get better.
  • Falling Action #3

    Falling Action #3
    During the football game, Hugh Winklemen, the kid who used to be the dorkiest kid in the school, tricks Cap to root for the other team. The football team all tackles him (not knowing it's him), and hurts him pretty badly. He is taken to the hospital, and the students start to worry.
  • Falling Action #4

    Falling Action #4
    Cap gets the information at the hospital that he will be getting picked up with Rain soon, who has finished with recovery, and when he leaves the hospital with Mrs. Donnely to start packing up.
  • Resolution #1

    The students continue to search for Cap, and have heard rumors of Cap being dead, until they hear from the principal that Cap really went back home to the hippie commune.
  • Resolution #2

    Resolution #2
    The school remembers Cap as an amazing president, and the students will hold the Halloween dance in memory of him.
  • Resolution #3

    At the end, Rain comes and picks up Cap, and shocks Cap by saying that they are moving into a condominium, selling Garland Farms. Cap doesn't understand at first until Rain makes it clear to him that she only did it for the welfare of him. She says that he will be attending the same school, back with the others.