Thousand never ervers

A Thousand Never Evers- Emma Kehrman

By ekk006
  • Exposition Backround 1

    Exposition Backround 1
    During the civil rights movement, so this means negros are segragated. Medgar Evers was shot recently.
  • Exposition setting 2

    Exposition setting 2
    Kuckachoo, Mississippi
    black and white sides of town
    Addie Ann's house
  • exposition-characters3

    Addie Ann Revrend
    Uncle Bump Mr. mudge
    Mama Bessie
    Elias OLd Man Adams
  • rising action1

    rising action1
    Old Man Adams died of old age . In his will he left a TV set to Addie Ann and also wanted his fields to be shared by Blacks and Whites
  • Rising Action 2

    Rising Action 2
    Addie Ann got a new job with her mama at the Tates. they have a little boy nameed Ralphie. she is incharge of taking care of him.
  • Rising action 3

    Rising action 3
    Addie ann goes to a civil rights meeting and during that sermon a cross was burned to show that danger was near. this senteveryone it to a panick
  • Rising action4

    Rising action4
    elias saves flapjack(Addie Ann,s Cat) from Jimmy and Buck by throughing a glass jar at jimmy and breaking his leg. elias jumped into the bayuo and wasn't seen again.
  • Rising action 5

    Rising action 5
    Mrs.tate has a garden club meeting at her house and they are going to create community garden for everyone to pick and work on.
  • rising action6

    rising action6
    Addie Ann stats 7th grade at "county colored". Her teacher, Mrs. jacks is putting her strait.
  • Rising action 7

    Rising action 7
    Addie Ann found letters from mrs. tate to her friend that lives in lousianna, her husband doesn't like him so she keeps them a seceret.mrs. Tate doesn't like her husband much. Addie Ann has to keep it a secert.
  • Climax

    Uncle Bump was claimed incharge of working on the community garden and on the day of the picking the people of Kuchachoo find out that someone destroyed the garden with butter beans. Now Uncle bump is being accuased fofr doing this to the garden and their house was burned to the ground.
  • Falling Action1

    Falling Action1
    Uncle Bump is sent to jail and Addie Ann has everyone go get other people to guard the jail so Bump stays safe.
  • Falling Action2

    Falling Action2
    Bessie hids Addie Ann in Milkweed and she finds Elias hiding there and he tells her that her father was murderd because he didn't build a house for the mayor
  • Falling Action 3

    Falling Action 3
    Uncle bump is put on trial and Miss Gold is uncle bump's Lawyer she comes al the way from jackson. Most blacks don't have a lawyer, so this is a big deal to Addie Ann.
  • falling action 4

    falling action 4
    Elmira does Hoodoo to sweeten the judges heart and to let Addie Ann's dad be with them
  • Falling Action5

    Falling Action5
    During the trial Addie Ann figured out who had planted the butter beans so she stood up and stated her case. so they went to Mr. Mudge's farm and she found 7 bags of butter beans hiden in his forest. so uncle bump was set free. but mr. mudge didn't got o trial because they didn't have enough evidence to prove him wrong.
  • Resolution 2

    Resolution 2
    uncle bump and elias went tohattiesburg to make money for the family.
  • Resolution 3

    Resolution 3
    Elias, Uncle bump, Addie Ann, and Mama are finally back together since elias jumped into the bayou.
  • resolution1

    Mama and Addie Ann go to Mrs. Tate house to ask if they can have their jobs back, but Mrs. tate thinks it would anger her husband more than he is already.
  • Resolution 4

    Resolution 4
    mr. adams garden is being shared with blacks and whites, and Mrs. tate nows that ralphie misses Addie Ann.