Civil War Battles

  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Seige of Fort Sumter

    Seige of Fort Sumter
    When~Started April 12, 1861 Ended April 13, 1861
    Where~Sullivian Island, South Carolina
    Who won~Confederate Victory
  • Battle of the Sabine Pass NEED TO FIND OUT

  • Blockade of Galvaston NEED TO FIND OUT

  • Surrender at Appomattox CourthouseNEED TO FIND OUT

  • Battle of Palmito RanchNEED TO FIND OUT

  • 1st Battle of Bull Run

    1st Battle of Bull Run
    When~July 21, 1861
    Where~Manassas, Virgina
    Who won~Confederate Victory
  • Battle of Glorieta Pass

    Battle of Glorieta Pass
    When~Started March 26, 1862 Ended March 28, 1862
    Where~Santa Fe, New Mexico
    Who won~Union Victory
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    When~Started April 6, 1862 Ended April 7, 1862
    Where~Shiloh, Tennesse
    Who won~Union Victory
  • 2nd Battle of Bull Run

    2nd Battle of Bull Run
    When~Started August 28, 1862 Ended August 30, 1862
    Where~Manassas, Virgina
    Who won~Confederate Victory
  • Battle of Antieam

    Battle of Antieam
    When~Started September 16, 1862 Ended September 18, 1862
    Where~Near Shrapburg, Maryland
    Who won~Union Victory
  • Battle of Fredricksburg

    Battle of  Fredricksburg
    When~Started December 11, 1862 Ended December 15, 1862
    Where~Fredricksburg, Virgina
    Who won~Confederate Victory
  • Battle of Galveston

    Battle of Galveston
    When~Janurary 1, 1863
    Where~Galveston, Texas
    Who won~Confederate Victory
  • Seige of Vicksburg

    Seige of Vicksburg
    When~Started May 18, 1863 Ended July 4, 1863
    Who Won~Union Victory
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    When~Started July 1, 1863 Ended July 3, 1863
    Where~Gettysburg, Pensylvania
    Who won~Union Victory
  • Siege of Atlanta

    Siege of Atlanta
    When~Started May 5, 1864 Ended August 31, 1864
    Where~Atlanta, Georgia
    Who won~Union Victory