Exploring the Americas

By tamryn
  • Jan 1, 1076

    People of north Africa attacked Ghana

    People from north Africa called Almoravids attacked Ghana and dispruted its trade routes.
  • Jan 1, 1095

    The Europeans launched the first of nine expeditions.

    The Europeans launched the first of nine expeditions, known as the crusades, to regain control of their holy sites.
  • Jan 1, 1324

    Musa made a grand pilgrimage.

    Musa made a grand pilgrimage.
    Musa, amuslim, made a grand pilgrimage to the muslim holy city of Mecca
  • Jan 1, 1420

    Prince Henry set up a center of exploration.

    Prince Henry set up a center of exploration.
    Prince Henry set up a center of exploration on the southwestern tip of Portugal.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Bahamas.

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Bahamas.
    Columus reached the Bahamas. He thought that he reached the East Indies.
  • Jan 1, 1494

    Portugal and Spain signed the "treaty of Tordesillas."

    Portugal and Spain signed the "treaty of Tordesillas."
    Pope Alexander VI drew a line of demarcation,
    an imaginary line running down the middle of the Atlantic from the North Pole to the
    South Pole. Spain was to control all the lands to
    the west of the line. Portugal was to have control
    of all lands to the east of the line.
  • Jan 1, 1498

    Bartholomeu Dias sailed around the cape of good hope.

    Bartholomeu Dias sailed around the cape of good hope.
    Bartholomeu Dias sailed around the cape of good hope. He hoped that the passage Africa might lead to a new route to India.
  • Jan 1, 1498

    Vasco da Gama reached the port of Calicut

    Vasco da Gama reached the port of Calicut
    Vasco da Gama reached the port of Calicut completing the long-awaited eastern sea route to Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Balboa searched for the "great waters.

    Balboa formed an exploring party and hiked through the jungles hoping to find the "great waters".
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon made the first spanish landing.

    Juan Ponce de Leon made the first spanish landing.
    Juan Ponce de Leon made the first Spanish landind on the Mainland of North America.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan was hired to lead an expedition.

    Ferdinand Magellan was hired to lead an expedition.
    Ferdinand Magellan was hired to lead an expedition to find a sea route thrugh or around South America to Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    France hired Giovanni da Varranzano to look for the northern sea route.

    France hired Giovanni da Varranzano to look for the northern sea route.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    Fransisco Pizarro captued the Inca ruler.

    Fransisco Pizarro captued the Inca Ruler and destroyed much of the Incan Army.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Narvaez arrived in Mexico.

    Spaniards set off on foot on a great
    1,000-mile journey across the Southwest. Narvaez arrived in Mexico.
  • Jan 1, 1541

    De Soto crossed the Mississippi River .

    De Soto crossed the Mississippi River in
    1541, describing it as %u201Cswift, and very deep.%u201D
  • Jan 1, 1542

    The Spanish gonverment passed the New Laws.

    The Spanish Govermant passed the new laws which forbade making Native Americans slaves.
  • England sent John Cabot, to look for a nothern route to Asia

    England sent John Cabot, to look for a nothern route to Asia. England used Cabot%u2019s voyage as the basis for its claims to North America.
  • The French group sent Samuel de Champlain to establish a settlement in Quebec.

    The French group sent Samuel de Champlain to establish a settlement in Quebec.
  • The Dutch West India Company set up a trading colony.

    The Dutch West India Company set up a trading colony.
  • Peter Minuit paid the Manhates people do Dutch guildeers in goods for the island.

    Peter Minuit paid the Manhates people do Dutch guildeers in goods for the island.