Timeline Quiz

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    Nazi Germany led Genocide against the Jews, Polish people, Homosexuals, DIsabled and many
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    Franklin D Roosevelt

    32 President of The US and major player in WWII
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    New Deal

    FDR's solution to help the United States get out of the Great Depression
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    World War II

    Second world war between The Axis( Germany Japan and Italy) and the Allies (USA, England, USSR,Canada)
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    Harry S Truman

    33rd President of the US.
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    Cold War

    Ideological War between USA and USSr
  • Creation of Israel

    Founding of the nation of Israel
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    Korean War

    Korean conflict where Kim Il sung tried to make Korea communist
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    Dwight D Eishenhower

    Eisenhower was the 34th president of the US.
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    Vietnam War

    War Between US and Vietnam. The communist Viet Cong were trying to change the nation by making it communist
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    Civl Rights Movement

    Movement where African Americans fought to earn the same rights as White Americans
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

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    Cuban Missle Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis was a conflict Between US and USSR over having Soviet Nukes in Cuba
  • Destruction of the Berlin Wall

  • September 11th attacks

    On September 11th 4 planes were hijacked and were used as weapons against the American public. 2 planes were flown into the World trade center which destroyed both towers. and one was used on the pentagon while another crashed in a Pennsylvania field
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    War in Afganistan

    After the 9/11 attacks, The United States started looking for the terrorists responsible in the nation of Afganistan
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    Iraq War

    War Between the US and Iraq
    The United States believed Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction
    which led to the invasion