
By tjwmbp
  • Odysseus Leaves Troy

    Odysseus Leaves Troy
  • Period: to

    Odysseus's Journey

  • Cicones

    On his way back from Troy, Odysseus spots a group of enemy Cicones. He leaves his ship and plunders the village, until the Army of the Cicones arrives and kills 72 of his men.
  • Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Upon discovering an unknown island Odysseus sends a small group ashore, only for them not to return. Odysseus goes ashore only to discover his men munching on lotus leaves. Content to stay and eat the intoxicating plant Odysseus must tie up his men and carry them back to the ships.
  • Cyclops

    Odysseus then stumbles upon the island of the cyclops, where he is trapped inside Polyphemus's cave. Forced to use his wit, Odysseus stabs the eye of the cyclops in his sleep and then escapes the cave tied to the bellies of sheep.
  • King Aeolus

    King Aeolus
    On this island Odysseus is treated with hospitality and gifts. Along with feasts Odysseus is given favorable winds and sent on his way.
  • Unfavorable Winds

    Unfavorable Winds
    Also carrying a bag of unfavorable winds, preseived to be gold by his men, they suspect Odysseus of holding out on them and open the bag. In effect they are blown all the way back to King Aeolus, who refuses to help them, convinced that their voyage is curesed by the Gods.
  • Laestrygones

    After makeing up some of the ground they lost, they come across an island with a wisp of smoke above it. Odysseus investigates and send a party ashore. The shore party is eaten by giant man-eaters and Odysseus's fleet is bombarded by boulders thown by the giants, that destroy all his ships save his own.
  • Odysseus and Circe

    Odysseus and Circe
    Once Circe turns some of Odysseu's men into pigs, he goes ashore to rescue them. Hermes gives him moly, a plant that prevents Odysseus from being put under Circe's spell. After the immune Odysseus convinces Circe to turn his men back, he stays with her for sometime and is seduced by Circe and is unfathiful to his wife. He stays here for one year.
  • Odysseus and the Under World

    Odysseus and the Under World
    Sent of a journey by Circe to find a blind prophet named Tieresias. On the way he encounters a ghost of his mother.
  • Odysseus returns to Circe

    Odysseus returns to Circe
    Back from his quest to the under world, Odysseus listens to the advice Circe offers about the Sirens, and the sea monsters Syclla and Chatybdis.
  • Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis

    Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis
    When Odysseus sails through the land of the Sirens he orders his men to cover their ears with bees' wax and to tie himself to the mast of the ship so he my hear the song of the sirens and not be able to leave his ship.

    He then passes throught the strait and takes the advice of Circe and goes closer to Scylla and only loses six men.
  • Helios and his Cattle

    Helios and his Cattle
    Odysseus and his hungry men sail past the island of Helios and his Cattle. Being very hungry Odysseus's men desperately want to land and eat the cattle, and after a bit, Odysseus gives in despite the warnings he had recieved from Circe. Upon eating the cattle Helios becomes furious and Zeus avenges their deaths by sending a lightning bolt that destroys Odysseus's last ship and all his men.
  • Odysseus Arrives at Calypso

    Odysseus Arrives at Calypso
    Once Odysseus arrives on the island of Calypso, he is, by his own will or against it, forced to stay for seven years, in which he is seduced by Calypso and is unfaithful to Penelope.
  • Odysseus Released

    Odysseus Released
    After seven years Zeus send Hermes with a message telling Calypso to release Odysseus. Eventually she does and sends him off, on a raft.
  • King Alcinous

    King Alcinous
    Odysseus arrives at the island of King Alcinous where he is greeted with hospitality and shares his many stories with the King.
  • Odysseus Arrives at Ithaca

    Odysseus Arrives at Ithaca
    After his long journey Odysseus finally is home, but he is met still with trials that he must overcome before he can rest completely.