Biden Gaffes

  • Joe Biden- "Barack AMERICA!"

    Joe Biden- "Barack AMERICA!"
    Introducing Obama as the next president of the United States, Biden calls him "Barack America"! Watch the video <a href='' >here.
  • Battalions or Brigades?

    Battalions or Brigades?
    According to The Hill: %u201CBiden stated that Obama has advocated for two additional battalions in Afghanistan. In fact, Obama called for two extra brigades- a small verbal slip, but a significant numerical one. A brigade is composed of battalions.%u201D
  • Biden is running for president?

    Biden is running for president?
    According to CBS News: %u201C%u2018...Today is the moment for me as a United States senator running for president to put aside the national politics and focus on what's happening down there,%u2019 he said, even though he is running for vice president.%u201D
  • Brigades and Battalions- Again!

    Brigades and Battalions- Again!
    Once again, Biden, the chairman of the Foreign Relations committee, confuses Brigades and Battalions- rather unsettling for a man one step away from the presidency? Video here.
  • Lt. Governor Palin?

    Lt. Governor Palin?
    Talking about Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, Biden makes the standard mistake of downplaying her resume by calling her the "Lieutenant Governor" of Alaska. Video here.