Timeline Review

  • Invention of the telegraph

  • Homestead Act

    U.S. government gace 160 acres to help moce people out west for 5 years atleast.
  • End of the Civil War

    The North beat the South so that slavory could not take place in the U.S.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Help to expand the growth of the U.S.
  • Boss Tweed jailed

    He was the leader of the Political machines.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Lasted big win for the Indians agenst the whites.
  • Telephone is invented

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese immergrents could not come into the U.S. for ten years.
  • Time Zones are created

    They were four different zones that were an hour past the next.
  • Pendleton Act passed

    Established the Civil Service Commission which set up federal jops.
  • Dawws Act

    It was made to make the Native Americans weeker and get ride of their traditions.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act passed

    It was made to make monoplies illegal.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Army went to collect the Sioux's weapons and someone firerd.
  • Ellis Island opens

    Were immergrents went to get their back round checked and make sure that they're not carrying any sickness.
  • End of Reconstruction

    The period of constrution.
  • Modle T invented