Reveiw of 1st semester

  • Telegraph

  • Homestead act

    When someone payed for the land and lived there for 5 years they got 160 acres for free
  • End of Civil war

    Fighted for slavery, North verses South
  • End of reconstruction

    The peroid of rebuilding
  • Transcontinental railroad

    a railroad that conected the east and west of the U.S. made traveling easier
  • Boss Tweed jailed

    Leader of political machine in New York city
  • Battle of little bighorn

    250 Soldiers verses thousands of indian warriors. Greatest and last victory for the indians
  • Telephone

  • Chinese Exclusion act

    Prohibited chinese workers to enter the U.S. for 10 years
  • Time zones

    4 time zones in the U.S. each 1 hour past the next
  • Pendleton act

    set up examinations for federal jobs
  • Dawes act

    Eliminated native american life, no private property, and the nomadic tradion
  • Wounded Knee

    When someone shot, fighting started, more then 200 sioux and 25 soudiers were killed
  • Sherman anti-trust act

    can be no more monopolies, one store cannot own the entire trade buissness
  • Ellis island

    Where immigrants checked into before entering the U.S.
  • Modle T