Review Timeline

  • Invention of the Telegraph

    Samuel Morse.
  • Boss Tweed

    Leader of NYC democratic political machine that stole millions of dollars.
  • Homestead Act

    The Homestead Act offered 160 of land for settlers.
  • End of Cival War

    Troops surreendered to small a Virginia village.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    This went mainly to immigrants and African Americans.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    US ordered to round up Indians in area after gold was discovered, but Indians mobilized and defeated US.
  • Telephone is Invented

    Alexander Graham Bell.
  • End of Reconstruction

    When the union withdrew the troops from the Southern states.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Law to limit immigration, prohibited Chinese from entering US for 10 years.
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act created cival service tests for the government.
  • Time Zones

    Created after completion of the railroad to help regulate time in the US.
  • Dawes Act

    US goverenment abolishes Indian tribes and makes official plans to send them to school.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    This act made monopolies illegal.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    This was the last battle between the US and Indians.
  • Ellis Island

    A station and place that immigrants were tested in New York.
  • Model T is Invented

    Henry Ford.