Middle Ages Chapters 12-13

By morgand
  • Period: Jan 1, 650 to Jan 1, 1250

    Middle Ages

  • Oct 10, 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    In this battle Charles Martel successfully defended against the invading Moors. Due to his success, Europe was able to remain largely Christian. If the Moors had succeeded there is no telling how drastically different Europe's history would've been. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b241/argentcent/illuminated/battle_tours.jpg
  • Jan 6, 752

    Pepin the Short becomes King of the Franks.

    Pepin the Short becomes King of the Franks.
    Pepin the Short was the son of Charles Martel. He was anointed by the pope and seen as a divinely chosen ruler. Pepin was the father of Charlemagne. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pippin_the_younger.jpg
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Peasants beging to use the three-field system in farming.

    Peasants beging to use the three-field system in farming.
    After peasants began using the three-field system the crop output greatly increased. By leaving one field free of crops they ensured that their soil stayed more fertile for a longer amount of time. http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/rh/img/october.jpg
  • Sep 28, 1066

    William the Coqueror invades England

    William the Coqueror invades England
    William was the Duke of Normandy. He was a Viking was the ruler of a great number of Vikings. He invaded England and was able to conquer its people, becoming the King of England.
  • Sep 23, 1122

    Concordat of Worms is signed.

    Concordat of Worms is signed.
    The Concordat of Worms was signed outside the city of Worms. It was signed by both Henry the Fith and Pope Calixtus the Second. It brought a brief end to the first struggle between the Holy Roman Emperors and the Papacy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Canossa-three.jpg
  • Jan 6, 1210

    Francis of Assisi founds the Franciscan friars

    Francis of Assisi founds the Franciscan friars
    Francis of Assisi was the founder of the Franciscan friars. He was the son of a wealthy Italian cloth merchant. As a friar though, he sought a simple life with few possessions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cappella_Sassetti_Confirmation_of_the_Franciscan_Rule_2.jpg
  • Jun 16, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta, also known as the Great Charter, was signed by King John and his barons. This document limited the kings power and was one of the most significant early events that led to the foundation of constitutional law. The Magna Carta influenced the development of common law and many constituional documents. http://popularlogistics.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Magna-Carta.jpg
  • Jan 1, 1232

    The Inquistion begins.

    The Inquistion begins.
    The Inquistion was a period in the Catholic Church set up a court to seek out and punish people. The people they sought to punish were usually accused of heresy. Sometimes they would use torture to bring forth a confession. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Escudo_inquisicion.gif
  • Treaty of Verdun is Signed

    Treaty of Verdun is Signed
    Charlemagne's grandchildren divided his empire into three parts. The three brothers each signed the treaty and each also received a part of the empire. Lothair got the central part of the empire and the title of Emperor, Charles the Bald gained the eastern part, and Louis the German received the western part of the empire. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Partage_de_l'Empire_carolingien_au_Traité_de_Verdun_en_843.JPG
  • German King Otto defeats the Magyars at Lechfeld.

    German King Otto defeats the Magyars at Lechfeld.
    The Battle of Lechfeld is often seen as the defining event for holding off the Hungarians. In this battle King Otto prevented the Hungarian invaders from taking the land. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lechfeld1457.jpg
  • Alfred the Great begins rule in England.

    Alfred the Great begins rule in England.
    Alfred is the only English king to have earned the title great. While he ruled he encouraged educaltion, while also improving his country's legal and military systems. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Statue_of_King_Alfred_in_Wantage_Market_Square.jpg
  • Charlemagne is Crowned King

    Charlemagne is Crowned King
    Pepin the Short was Charlemagne's father and king of the Franks. When Pepin died his two sons were each given a part of the empire. His son Carloman inherited the larger half, as Charlemagne had been born before his parents were married. After the death of his brother Carloman, Charlemagne was crowned king of the Franks and ruled the entire empire. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Charlemagne_and_Pope_Adrian_I.jpg