2D animation

By ka$hif
  • Phenakistoscope

    In 1832, Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau and his sons introduced the phenakistoscope ("spindle viewer"). It was also invented independently in the same year by Simon von Stampfer of Vienna, Austria, who called his invention a stroboscope.
  • Flip Books

    A Flip book is a series of pictures in a small book. Each picture is a frame and when the book is flicked from page to page it can make a short animation.
  • The électrotachyscope

    The électrotachyscope is an 1887 invention of Ottomar Anschütz of Germany which presents the illusion of motion with transparent serial photographs, chronophotographs, arranged on a spinning wheel of fortune or mandala-like glass disc,
  • Rotoscoping

    Rotoscoping is an animation technique in which animators trace over a drawn picture. Also recorded live-action film images were projected onto a frosted glass panel and re-drawn by an animator.
  • Drawn on Film Animation

    There are two basic methods to produce animation directly on film. One starts with blank film stock, the other one with black (already developed) film.
  • Stop Motion

    Stop-motion animation is used to describe animation which is created by physically manipulating real-world objects and photographing them one frame of film at a time to create the illusion of movement.
  • Multiplane camera

    The multiplane camera is a tool used to add depth to scenes in 2D animated movies, called the multiplane effect or the parallax process.
  • Storyboards and Animatics

    Storyboards are used as part of an pre-production of animations. They consist of a series of small rectangular boxes in rows. In each rectangle that is drawn, by a Storyboard artist, a section of the animation with a short annotation underneath it stating what is happening at this point in the animation
  • Xerography

    The electrostatic copying technique called xerography is allowing the drawings to be copied directly onto the cels.
  • [edit] Limited animation

    In lower-budget productions, shortcuts available through the cel technique are used extensively. For example, in a scene in which a man is sitting in a chair and talking, the chair and the body of the man may be the same in every frame; only his head is redrawn, or perhaps even his head stays the same while only his mouth moves.
  • Cel Animation

    Cel Animation (also called Traditional Animation or Hand-Drawn Animation) was a technique used in alot of animations in the 20th century.
  • Special effects animation

    Specail effectsanimation are animated characters, objects and backgrounds, many other techniques are used to create special elements such as lightning and "magic",
  • Animation loops

  • The APT process

    The process for this was a modification of a repro-photographic process; the artists' work was photographed on high-contrast "litho" film, and the image based on the resulting negative was then transferred to a cel covered with a layer of light sensitive dye.
  • Adobe Flash

    Adobe Flash is an animation software programme. It is used quite widely because it is simple to use. Flash Animations use Tweens to move objects on layers similar to Cel Animation.