
  • signing of the treaty of paris

    signing of the treaty of paris
    officialy ended revolutionary war
    was signed by three americans
    set new borders for US
  • matthew perry sails fleet to japan

    matthew perry sails fleet to japan
    in search of trade treaty
    threatened hostilities
    had latest technology
  • william seward buys alaska

    william seward buys alaska
    pays russia $7.2 million
    thought it would boost economy, and and shore up international stature
    dubbed seward's folly
  • queen lilioukananie becomes queen of hawaii

    queen lilioukananie becomes queen of hawaii
    took over throne of her brother
    married a ha'ole
    recomended bayonet constitution
  • USS Maine is blown up

    USS Maine is blown up
    critical event during war
    tensions of america and spain had been groing since the cubans tried to liberate spaniards themselves
    american sympathies were with the revolutionaryies
  • McKinley declares war on spain

    McKinley declares war on spain
    McKinley was pressured into it
    congress obligied 4 days later
    400 US killed during the 4 month war
  • rough riders charge san juan hill

    rough riders charge san juan hill
    pivotal occurance in teddy's political career
    teddy was secretary of navy during the time
    rough riders were cowboys and college men
  • william mckinley annexes hawaii

    william mckinley annexes hawaii
    McKinley favors annexing cannada
    tried to restore queen liloukanie
    sugar developement means intervention by amrica
  • teddy roosevelt announces roosevelt corollary

    teddy roosevelt announces roosevelt corollary
    added to monroe doctorine
    had the right to intrvene with west
    supported independence in phillipines
  • roosevelt corollary

    roosevelt corollary
    amendment to the monroe doctorine
    gave US the right to entervene in corribean affairs
    US saw european powers as a threat to the carribean
  • TR sendds great white fleet across the world

    TR sendds great white fleet across the world
    sailed out of norfolk
    16 ships
    14 month cruise
  • woodrow wilson wins presidency

    woodrow wilson wins presidency
    teddy roosevelt runs as bullmoose canididate
    woodrow wilson defeated teddy, and taft
    woodrow wilson receives 42% of the popular vote
  • panama canal completed

    panama canal completed
    $40 million dollar budget
    $360 mill total
    yellow fever, and malaria were common diseases