(John And Nessa)Revolutionary TimeLine

By baumert
  • French and Indian War

    England and France foaught in the Seven Years' War, and later both contries gave more troops.
  • Albany Plan Of Union

    Intercolonial government system for recruiting toceps and collecting tones from colonies for defence.
  • George III takes throne

    Pursued a colonial policy, aimed at solving Britian domestic finacial problems.
  • Quatering Act

    Provide food and living quarters for British soilders stationed in the colonies
  • Stamp Act

    Required that revenue stamps be placed on most printed paper in the colonies
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Met in New Your to form it.
  • Townshend Acts

    This law required that the money from the tea, glass, and paper be used to pay crown officials.
  • Boston Massacre

    Guards shot into a crowed and hilled 5 people including an African American, Cripus attuchs but it was acquitted
  • Boston Tea Party

    made the price of the company's tea
  • Quebec Act

    established Riman Catholicism as the official religion of Quebec
  • Intoerable Acts

    Colonist were angered by the Coercive Act and the Quebec Act
  • First Continental Congress

    The purpose of the convention
  • Second Continental Congress

    Met in Philadelpha in may 1775
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Richard Henry Lee of Virginia introduced a revolution declaring the colonies to be independent
  • Articles Of Confederation

    Submitted to the state for ratification