20th Century World History Timeline

  • Mass production of vehicles

    Mass production of vehicles
    In the year 1913 the car was introduced to the world. Most people didn’t realize that the process of the cars manufacturing changed the industries. This event was important because vehicles changed the way we live.
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    The allies pushed the German borders on the 17 of October, 1918. The British, French and American armies moved forward. The Germans began to crumble. On November 11, 1918 was that date that the world war ended. This event was important because this marked the end of WW1.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    On the 28th of June 1919 the treaty was signed after have months and months of augments and negotiation between the “Big Three”. This is was a peace settlement between Germany and all the Allie force.
  • Period: to

    The Jazz Age

    In the ten years the jazz was the most popular genre of music worldwide. Also in the age in hair styles in the 20s were really weird. This event was important because this event changed the way we look at music.
  • Invention of television

    Invention of television
    The television was invented in the 1920s, this was only in black and white. But in the 1953 the television was in colour.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The great depression was a worldwide event that went on for 10 years and was caused by the U.S. Black Thursday (stock market crash). The unemployment rates reached a high went from 3% to 25%
  • Market Crash

    Market Crash
    On the 29th of October investors traded 16 million shares onto the New Year Stock Exchange in one day, Billions of dollars were gone and thousands of investors lost their jobs. This was an important event because this caused The Great Depression
  • Day of Mourning

    Day of Mourning
    26 of January was the 150th anniversary of the First Fleet which the first few Australians celebrated Australia’s 150th birthday. This day was a day that there was a protest by the aborigines, in The Australian Hall. On this day the aborigines protested because they would not celebrate Australia’s 150th birthday.
  • Start of WWII

    Start of WWII
    WW2 started by the Hitler breaking the terms of the Treaty, because there were very unfair on the Germans. Hitler built an army of and invaded other countries.
  • Japanese Attack of Pearl Harbour

    Japanese Attack of Pearl Harbour
    On 7th of December early in the morning. Japan had launched an air attack on the U.S. Naval Bases in Pearl Harbour in Hawaii. More than 2,400 Americans were killed, 21 ships and 188 aircrafts were destroyed.
  • The Bombing of Darwin

    The Bombing of Darwin
    On the 19th of February was the day that Darwin was under attack by the Japanese. This was the first time that Australia was under attack since the Perl Harbour.
  • Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
    On the 6th of August at 2:45 am on the Monday the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. This atomic bomb killed over ten thousands of civilians and wiped out the whole city. As Japan was trying to help Hiroshima, the US dropped another bomb on Nagasaki. This was an important event because….
  • Declaration of Human Rights

    Declaration of Human Rights
    On the 10th of December the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights. The Humans right group was made up of 18 people with various political, cultural religious backgrounds.
  • Melbourne Olympics

    Melbourne Olympics
    This year was an important year for Australia, as Melbourne hosted the Olympic Games. This event help make the MCG famous.
  • Invention of the internet

    Invention of the internet
    On the 4th of October, Soviet Union sent the first manmade satellite into space. This satellite didn’t do much other than float around space and sent around radio signals. In the year 1962 a scientist named J.C.R. from the M.I.T. proposed a solution to the galactic network. In the year 1969 the ARPAnet sent and delivered its first message from one computer to another computer.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban missile crisis was a 13 day political and military standoff between Soviet Union and Cuba. This was the closest the world was to nuclear war. This event was important because if this didn’t happen there would have been a nuclear war.
  • Freedom Ride

    Freedom Ride
    In February a group of University students from Sydney organised a bus tour around western and coastal New South Wales and visiting all of the towns. The students did this so they could get the public’s attention on how poor the Aborigines health, housing and education was.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream…” speech

    Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream…” speech
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr delivered a speech on the 16th of October. This speech was about the lack of freedom in America. Martin used this speech to make people understand that the Negros was treated like slaves.
  • Invention of mobile phone

    Invention of mobile phone
    The first mobile phone was invented by a man named Martin Cooper. This phone had the nickname of the “Brink”, it had this nickname because of the size of it.
  • Release of Crocodile Dundee

    Release of Crocodile Dundee
    24/04/1986 the release of the movie Crocodile Dundee was really important to the Australians because it was the first comedy to be filmed in Australia. This event was important because it attracted a lot of attention to Australia.
  • United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child

    United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child
    The United Nations has a convention about the children rights also they signed a treaty to say that all the world leaders agree on the children rights. Until the child is the age of 18 the right applies to them. This event was important because this event gave children freedom.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall was a wall that divided West Berlin and East Germany. On the date 9 November 1989 was the day that the wall fell. This was an important event because the two sides of Germany united as one state.