20th Century World History

  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese War (W)

    Origin: Rival imperial ambitions between Russian and Japanese Empires over Manchuria and Korea
    Effect:Ends with peace Treaty (Russia preoccupied with internal matters [i.e Bloody Sunday]... also leaves Russia shaky), establishes Japan as major naval power, precursor for invasion of Manchuria 1931, adds tensions leading up to WWI
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    Balkan Wars (W)

    Origin: fighting for the possession of the European territories of the Ottoman Empire
    Type: Conquest to revolution
    Effect:The Balkan Wars prepared the way for World War I by satisfying some of the aspirations of Serbia and thereby giving a great impetus to the Serbian desire to annex parts of Austria-Hungary; by alarming Austria and stiffening Austrian resolution to crush Serbia; and by giving causes of dissatisfaction to Bulgaria and Turkey.
  • Period: to

    WWI (W)

    Origin: Increased nationalism, militarism (arms race), alliances (staying loyal to alliance treaties), various war-like tensions (i.e Balkan Wars, Russo-Japanese War), execution of Germany’s Schlieffen Plan (created in 1905) caused Britain to declare war on Germany in 1914
    Type:World War, for most it was total war
    Effect: Treaty of Versailles (1919) → peace conference, huge reparations for Germany, LoN (weak… for example US not involved), only partial disarmament policies, how WWI was dealt with
  • Tsar's provisional government - Duma (P)

    Implemented after the Revolution of 1905. Comprised of 12 members that have no political experience. Represented many existing political parties but the wealthy still have the majority of the say
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    Russain Revolution (W)

    Origin: horrible leadership under Czar Nicholas II (seen as weak by the masses), Marxist/Lenin ideologies arising, Bolshevik uprising
    Type: Revolution
    Effect: Czar chooses to abdicate (February Revolution 1917) and ends up being executed in 1918, Russia becomes communist single-party state (suppressing others i.e the Mensheviks)
  • Wilson's Fourteen Points (P)

    This was created by Wilson as part of his attempt to create peace after WWI. It made other politicians think he was an idealist and as a result was not very well received. Many of his points did not make it into the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (P)

    Secret treaty between Germany and Russia that allowed Russia to quietly back out of WWI and turn to isolationism to focus on the revolting peasants.
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    War Communism (P)

    Implemented by Lenin after the annexation of the Tsar. Not pure communism - nationalism but moving towards socialism. Nationalises industry & makes it so the government takes and food surplus = starvation. Leads to a crumbled industry and no productivity because of the untrained government (+ influation)
  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War (W)

    Origin: Russian Revolution, Bolsheviks vs. Royalists
    Type: Civil War, Total War
    Effect: Russia withdraws from WWI, at end of the civil war Russia turns on Germany. War Communism → NEP, death of many (i.e in the gulags, famine)
  • Period: to

    Paris Peace Conference (P)

    The meeting of the Allies (Great Britain, France, USA) to set the terms for the defeated Central Powers (mainly Germany)
  • Treaty of Versailles is signed (P)

    Treaty of Versailles is signed (P)
    France, Britain & the US come together to create a Treaty that will implement war guilt onto Germany. France wants to severely punish Germany, GB does not want to punish them harshly at all and the US wanted to moderately punish them. France wanted some limitations, US wanted few limitations
    In the end it was too harsh & severe towards Germany. There were too many parts that were too hard to uphold. It weakened Europe while strengthening US & Russia (economic crisis, individual nationalism)
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    League of Nations (P)

    It's a group of nations politically coming together to prevent war and resolve conflict by discussing issues in a peaceful manner. Woodrow Wilson, President of the USA, created it as one of his 14 points. It was written into the Treaty of Versailles and was signed by the countries who would eventually be members of the League.
  • NEP (P)

    Implemented by Lenin after failures of war communism. More capitalist than war communism. Government takes over all the land and attempts to redistribute it but many peasants were too poor to buy the land as compensation so they become indentured servants. Brings back the incentive to grow crops because they are allowed to sell their crops in the free market after they have paid taxes
  • Ruhr Crisis (P)

    France & Belguim (with the support of the Italians) moved troops into the Ruhr Valley - they were "taking what they owned" because Germany was behind in their reparations and the Ruhr was full of resources. It failed because instead of going to the LON, France took mattern into its own hands and seized payments by force. When GB & Sweden wanted to take the crisis to the League but France stopped them showing how weak the LON was and poeple in the LON could go around it whenever they wanted to
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    Locarno Treaties (P)

    Set of treaties (Locarno Act, Dawes Act, Kellogg-Briand Pact, Young Plan) that were put into effect for peacekeeping. After these treaties were set in motion, it allowed for a hopeful era called the Locarno era.
  • Locarno Act (P)

    A pact between Germany, France, Great Britain, Belgium, and Italy. The pact stated that they would never attack each other except in “legitimate defense.”
  • Period: to

    Chinese Civil War (W)

    Origin: Communist versus Nationalist (the government) tensions, communist party inspired by USSR, other foreign powers wanting China too (i.e Japan), other world crises occurring (WWII, Great Depression)
    Effect:No agreement was made between the two governments, so some say that the war has not ended… this first part of the war was not won by Mao though, rather by Kuomintang (Mao wins the continuation of the civil war).
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact (P)

    Between majority of states in the LON. Renounced war as an instrument of national policy
  • Period: to

    5 Year Plans (P)

    Implemented after the Revolution of 1905. Comprised of 12 members that have no political experience. Represented many existing political parties but the wealthy still have the majority of the say
  • Young Plan (P)

    Reduced the total sum to be repaid by Germany
  • Period: to

    Appeasement (P)

    It is an attempt to solve international disputes by satisfying grievances through compromise and negotiation. This meant that countries were constantly giving in to Hitler’s demands in fear that he would start another war while isolating Russia and making Stalin believe that it was a practice used to help German expansion. However, many people viewed this as a cowardly policy.
  • Manchurian Crisis (P)

    Japan, who already had troops in Manchuria, conquerd the land that was owned by China because they wanted to expand. It failed because the LON took too much time to try and sort out the situation by their terms so by the time they came to a conclusion, the invasion and occupation have been completed
  • Hitler's Rise to Power (L)

    Hitler's Rise to Power (L)
    Jan-Oct of 1933, the following happens:
    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany, Hitler initiates rearmament, Hitler decides to withdraw Germany from L.O.N.
  • Period: to

    Holocaust (W)

    Origin: Racist ideologies exacerbated and spread more widely/publicly under Hitler (appointed 1933). Used Jews as a scapegoat to unite with a common enemy.
    Type: massacre? part of WWII which was total war
    Effect: death of many Jews, concentration camps (1933-1939), Nuremberg Laws (1935), Kristallnacht (1938), really starts to shed light on the idea (and negative implications) or racism
  • Period: to


    Jan - Hitler becomes Chancellor of GM
    Feb - Hitler initiates rearmament
    Oct - Hitler decides to withdraw GM from L.O.N.
    Non-Aggression Pact with Poland
    Conscription in GM
    Italy invades Abyssinia
    4 year plan
    Anschluss declared after GM troops march into Austria
    Munich Crisis
    GM invades Poland + BR & FR declare war on GM
  • Hitler & Poland (L)

    Hitler & Poland (L)
    Non-Aggression Pact with Poland
  • Dawes Plan (P)

    Agreement between Germany, Great Britain, France, US. Reparations were to be guaranteed by 2 mortgages on German railways and industries. A US agent would reside in Germany to supervise payments.
  • Hitler (L)

    Hitler (L)
    Conscription in GM
    Italy invades Abyssinia
  • Period: to

    Abyssinian Crisis (P)

    Between France, Italy, GB, & Germany. Italy wanted to claim land in Africa so they start to invade. FR, US, & GB turn a blind eye because they do not want to anger Italy and have Italy grow closer to Germany. Italy successfully conquered Abyssinia, Represents another failed attempt at collective security by the LON
  • Period: to

    2nd Abyssinian War (W)

    Origin: Italy was to expand empire like other European powers. Not supported by LoN, but Italy (under Mussolini) disregards the LoN anyways
    Type:Colonial war
    Effect: exemplifies weakness of LoN which was a large cause of WWII. The colony was short-lived, for in 1940 Mussolini joins Hitler as an Axis Power in WWII.
  • Hoare-Leval Pact (P)

    Secret pact between Great Britain, France, and Italy where Italy was going to get a portion of the Abyssinian territory, so they can stay in Italy's good graces because Italy is in danger of becoming a communist nation. News of this was publicized and everyone was outraged because of the sneaking around.
  • Period: to

    Hitler Seeks Lebenstraum (L)

    Jan - Hitler becomes Chancellor of GM
    Feb - Hitler initiates rearmament
    Oct - Hitler decides to withdraw GM from L.O.N.
    Non-Aggression Pact with Poland
    Conscription in GM
    Italy invades Abyssinia
    4 year plan
    Anschluss declared after GM troops march into Austria
    Munich Crisis
    GM invades Poland + BR & FR declare war on GM
  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War (W)

    Cause: The war was between the Republicans, who were loyal to the established Spanish Republic, and the Nationalists, a rebel group led by General Francisco Franco. The Nationalist forces received munitions and soldiers from Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, while the Soviet Union and Mexico intervened in support of the "Loyalist", or "Republican", side. Other countries, such as Britain and France, operated an official policy of non-intervention, although France did send in some munitions. The war
  • Anschluss (P)

    Nazi Germany annexes Austria as a part of their Lebensraum ideology. Hitler deliberately goes against the Treaty of Versailles, which was used as a way to appease everyone after WWI
  • Hitler's rearmament (P)

    Hitler implements open rearmament in in order to get Germany ready for international friction. He realizes that his policy of Lebensraum can't be attained without war
  • Period: to

    World War II (W)

    Origin: Japan invades Manchuria/Rape of Nanking (1931/1937), Hitler invades Poland and Britain/France declare war on Germany (1939), US gets involved due to Pearl Harbor (1941). Causes: Fascism vs. Communism vs. Capitalism, Nationalism, Discontent over Treaty of Versailles, Militarism, Racism, Expansionism, Great Depression, Failures of LoN
    Type: World War, Total war for most
    Effects: Appeasement (1934-39), D-Day (1944), Iwo Jima (1945), Hitler dies (1945), Nagasaki (1946). Rise of 2 new superpo
  • Hitler's invastion of Poland (P)

    Hitler goes directly against the wishes of the Treaty of Versialles by invading Poland - goes along with this idea of "living space" for the Aryan race
  • Batista’s suspension of the constitution (P)

    Once back in power after finishing his term, Batista suspends the constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He aligns with the wealthiest landowners and profits off the exploitations of Cuba’s commercial interests. He establishes a tight control of censorship & uses anti-Communist secret police (torture & public executions).This leads to growing discontent among the populace + student riots and demonstrations
  • 1940 Constituion of Cuba (P)

    Considered one of the most progressive constitution in existence at the time. Included land reform, public education, and minimum wage. Determined voting as a right, obligation, and function of the people. Included private property rights and collective rights
    Suspended with the takeover of Fulgencio Batista
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    Cold War (L)

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    The Cold War

    Between the western and eastern blocs. The Cold War split the temporary wartime alliance against Nazi Germany, leaving the USSR and the US as two superpowers with profound economic and political differences over capitalism and democracy. The two superpowers never engaged directly in full-scale armed combat but they each armed heavily in preparation of an all-out nuclear war.
  • Soviet Atomic Bomb Test

    Soviet Atomic Bomb Test
    The United States was threatened by this because they didn't except the Soviets to gain nuclear knowledge / capability so quickly. This impacted the United States because Americans began to fear their safety. President Truman responded by reevaluating the United States position in the world and called for the United States to build up its conventional and nuclear weapons to halt the spread of Soviet influence around the globe.This increased the arms race between the Soviet Union and the U.S.
  • Guatemalan coup d'état

    CIA covert operation that removed that deposed President Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán of Guatamala by an anti–Communist army of liberation, titled Operation PBSUCCESS.
  • Castro comes into power (L)

  • Cuban Revolution (W)

    The Cuban Revolution was an armed revolt conducted by Fidel Castro against the government of Cuban President Batista, replacing his government with a revolutionary socialist state, becoming a Communist state in 1965. Guerrilla warfare and propaganda battles. Using the Guerrilla warfare and propagana, the Cuban Revolution had great domestic and international repercussions; in particular, it reshaped Cuba's relations with the United States.
  • Period: to

    The Vietnam War (W)

    Using asymmetrical and guerilla warfare, the Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the US. The war began after the rise to power of Ho Chi Minh and his communist Viet Minh party in North Vietnam, and continued against the backdrop of an intense Cold War. Nixon ordered the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1973, communist forces seized control in 1975
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    Kennedy Adminstration (L)

  • Bay of Pigs Invasion (L)

    Bay of Pigs Invasion (L)
    The unsuccessful military invasion undertaken by the CIA-sponsored paramilitary group. The disaster at the Bay of Pigs had a lasting impact on the Kennedy administration. Determined to make up for the failed invasion, the administration initiated Operation Mongoose—a plan to sabotage and destabilize the Cuban government and economy. The plan included the possibility of assassinating Castro. Almost 50 years later, relations between Castro's Cuba and the United States remain strained and tenuous.
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missile Crisis (L)

    Confrontation between Soviet Union & Cuba vs the United States. The moment of the Cold War that was the cloest to becoming a nuclear conflict. Presdient Kennedy became aware that their were nuclear building sites in Cuba and in response a naval blockaed around Cuba happened. The aim was to prevent the Soviet Union from bringing more supplies to Cuba. Both superpowers realized the danger in nuclear war and tensions lessened.
  • Bloody Sunday (P)

    A huge group of serfs went to Tsar Nicholas’ house to peacefully protest, but he wasn’t home and the guards freaked out so they opened fire. Tsar didn’t have good communication with his military so they killed a lot of people when all they wanted was to peacefully talk.
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    Iran-Contra Affair

    Political scandal in the United States under the Reagan administration. The U.S. was faciliating the sale of arms to Iran during an arms embargo in hopes of releasing hostages and allow U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras.
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    Soviet withdrawl from Afghanistan (L)

    The United States and the USSR signed a declaration on international guarantees, stating they would both refrain from any form of interference and intervention.