20th century-- Nour Shakir

  • Karl Marx's communist manifesto

    structured around common ownership of property and means of production. foundation of communism which developed over the 19th and 20th century.
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    second industrial revolution

    thriving industries in steel, chemical and electricity. new technology applied to military power. coal as main energy source. environmental pollution. advancement in railroads, rotary printing press, medicine and scientific knowledge. mass production of cheap goods. manual labor replaced by machines. urbanization and growth of middle class. leading cause to several outbreaks and conflicts.
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    Russo-Turkish war

    ottoman empire lost southeastern Europe. beginning of the destabilizing empire. sovereignty for bulgaria, serbia, romania, montenegro. loss of Bosnia-Herzegovina to Austria-Hungary.
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    berlin conference

    the division of Africa. with industrialization, materials were needed and colonies to sell to. 13 nations met to partition africa. caused a hybrid culture and influence in everyday lives such as language and culture. no concern for ethnic and religious diversity will cause conflicts. organized by German chancellor Otto Von Bismarck.
  • Wilhem II

    Wilhem II becomes emperor of germany. He focuses on industrializing germany to compete with the powerful european nations such as France and Britain. he expanded navy and african colonies. he used gunboat diplomacy to disrupt european stability and colonial rule. he also formed an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Russia.
  • spanish-American war

    victory to the US. origin of American imperialism. war granted US control of Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. Cuba also becomes a US protectorate.
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    Boxer rebellion

    destabilized Qing china. advocated for the removal of foreign influence. parts of china were taken by Britain, US, Russia, Japan, and others.
  • exposition universelle

    world fair held in paris. showcasing new improvements and technologies. neary 50 million visitors. highlighted "exoticism" and "the future of the 20th century". also showcased western superiority.
  • Period: to


    study of ecology was more recognizable. campaigns against air pollution in europe and US. movements against leaded gasoline and industrial smog. concern about expansion of urban settlement and agriculture via land clearance. environmental activism spreads.
  • the Russian revolution

    shook foundations of the russian Tsarist system calling for "temporary" reforms following Marxism. leading cause for Russia leaving WW1. split between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks and leading to Leninism and Stalinism.
  • Xinhai revolution

    collapse of Qing government. rise of nationalist party under San Yat-Sen.
  • the completion of the Panama canal

  • assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the spark of WW1

    bosnian nationalist Princip who is associated with the serbian anti government group, assassinated heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke. this led to the declaration of war between serbia and Austro-Hungary that required aid from allies which soon led to a global war.
  • balfour declaration

    establishes a joint occupation and settlement of palestine with jewish people. conflicts between arab nationalists and zionism. leads to the take over of Israel.
  • united states declared war on germany

    several incidents that contributed to the US involvement among which, is the violation of pledge neutrality, the zimmerman telegram, sinking of the Lusitania and 4 unarmed american merchant ships. american victory in Nov 1918 officially ended the WW1 by driving germany to surrender.
  • the roaring 20s

    developments in consumer technology: military tech, radio communications and entertainment, automobile, household tech, air travel, progress in medicine, expansion of scientific knowledge, environmental exploration. environmental disasters and lead poisoning outbreaks.
  • Period: to

    Adolf Hitler

    hitler assumes leadership of nazi party in 1921.1932 hitler loses presidential election but gains more supporters, soon after was appointed chancellor of germany. replaced police with SS and SA members and in 1933 with the enabling act, hitler seized absolute control of government. hitler got rid of any non-nazi and reeducated any resistful germans through youth programs and concentration camps. anti-semitic idealism with jews, handicapped, ect.. commits suicide after USSR invasion
  • treaty of versailles

    dominated by: Britain, France, Italy and the US. orchestrated post WW1 to maintain peace. Germany forced to take blame for the war, limited to 100,000 army men without production of any weaponry. lost 13.5% of territory with all overseas colonies and forced to pay $33 billion for compensation. severely damaged germany.
  • Benito Mussolini

    WW1 veteran and journalist, established the national fascist party in 1919. ordered black shirts to replace striking socialist party workers to keep italian economy running. appointed prime minister in oct 1922. led anti communist revolution and instituted corporatism. aimed to build a roman empire and expanded to greek islands, albania, libya and ethiopia.
  • Period: to

    rule of Joseph Stalin

    after death of Lenin, stalin assumed power. he instituted a command economy and suppressed political opposition. the great purge aimed at theoretical and actual opponents, sentencing many to forced labor and/or death. his eria is characterized by rapid industrialization and forced collection of agriculture.
  • Period: to

    the great depression

    WW1 deeply wounded agricultural and financial aspects of the world. lack of employment, bankruptcy, closing of banks, market stock crisis, lack of food production. boom-bust cycle in international trade. global economic crash lead to famine, starvation and weakening of governments. colonies/developing countries could not supply to their markets.
  • Period: to

    soviet industrialization-- 5 year plan

    expansion of military production. goal 350% but accomplished 50%. increase of industrial projects. import of products not enough for the country. collectivized agriculture and state takeover of farms. prosperous farmers (Kulaks) targeted by soviet officials. soviet bureaucracy aimed to extract greatest possible at lowest cost. led to peasant resistance, famine/poverty, force resettlement and environmental deterioration.
  • stock market crash

    investors purchasing stocks at rising prices. market price fell 12% where investors abandoned stock market for less risky ventures. thousands lost their life savings and investments. reduction in US imports and lending to other countries. weakened european countries that relied on US. value of global trade declines by nearly 2/3 and factories halted production. one of the main reasons for global depression.
  • Period: to

    japanese expansion

    japan expands to china and neighboring countries forcefully, without parliamentary approval. 1936-37, terror campaign in Tokyo and assassinations of government and industrial leaders also withdraw from league of nations after disapproval of expansion. second sino-japanese war during 1937-45; japanese were very nomadic and brutal (massive number in rape and slaughter; 150,000-300,000)
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    spanish civil war

    spanish military supported nationalist front and began to overthrow government, led by Francisco Franco and supported by germany and italy. gains control in 1939 with nearly 500,000 casualties. after war spain, italy and germany form a fascist state alliance called "pact of steel".
  • Hitler's invasion of poland.

    Britain, France and allies declared war on germany and started the second world war. USSR and germany agree to dual occupation of poland.
  • attack on Pearl Harbor

    japan bombed pearl harbor leaving 2,335 american casualties. the US declared war on japan and entered WW2. "island hopping" against japan. the US sends 2 atomic bombs in hiroshima and nagasaki forcing japan to surrender on Aug 15th 1945.
  • D-Day

    allied landing at normandy beach. major casualties from both sides, liberated france.
  • stalin's plan for the transformation of nature

    massive plan of land development and agricultural improvement after famines. sought to harness the power of nature to continue soviet industrialization, lead to long term environmental damage in central asia.
  • berlin airlift

    USSR cuts power and transportation to west berlin (capitalist) so truman organizes an airlift as supplies, bypassing the soviet blockade. Appeared to be the first conflict in the cold war between the US and USSR. let to formation of the german federal republic in 1949.
  • first Arab-Israeli war

    arab liberation invades palestine on may 15th, with the assistance from US, Israel held its ground and acquiring nearly 60% of un-mandated territory of palestine. this led to massive refugee crisis where the Arabs fled to palestinian land and jews fled to Israel land. israel mandats all males above the age of 18 to enter the israeli defence force (IDF).
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    korean war

    USSR liberated north korea and the US liberated the south. two korean nations are formed; democratic korea under kim il-sung and republic under Syngman Rhee. north leads an attack on the south with assistance from stalin. south was defended by the US by threat to containment. ceasefire was negotiated in july 1953.
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    green revolution

    the involvement of technology and science in agriculture to increase global production. targeted areas of high yield cultivation in Mexico, India, China, Brazil, and other parts of Latin American and asia. use of synthetic fertilizers, agrochemicals, irrigation, water control methods and mechanized cultivation served a successful transformation of agriculture. contributed to economic, social, political and environmental outcomes.
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    algerian war of independence

    algeria is an integral part of france however algerian muslims were not granted rights. front de liberation nationale (FLN) was brutal in war using torture against the algerians, 50000-150000 killed. extremest settler organization led attacks in paris. july 1962, algeria gained its independence.
  • Hungarian Revolt

    matyas Rakos was an oppressive authoritarian rule that were replaced by erno gero. gero rejected subjects demands leading to a rebellion that the USSR suppresses. western nations did not intervene to avoid world war.
  • suez crisis

    nasser wanted to build the aswan dam to control nile flooding by foreign investment from britain and US. US pulled funding after nasser made arms deal wit USSR causing nasser to nationalize the suez canal. britain and france relied on the suez canal for market trade and making them lose in millions of dollars. france, israel and britain attacked egypt without US, UN, or USSR approval. invading forced removed by april 1957 and canal reopened under Egyptian control.
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    great chinese famine

    decline in food output as a result of collectivization and industrialization leads to widespread famine. estimated 15-55 million deaths.
  • berlin wall

    built to separate west (capitalist) berlin from east (communist). lower standard of living in east berlin led to "brain drain",separation was needed.
  • cuban missile crisis

    US grew concerned of cuban communism and alliance with the soviet union. cuba is very close to the US and therefore when USSR placed short ranged missiles in cuba, the US intervened. kennedy agrees not to organize future invasions of cuba if USSR withdraws missiles.
  • silent spring

    book written by Marine biologist Rachel Carson addressing the concern of using pesticides in agriculture. sought to prove the risk of environmental destruction of human and ecosystem health. 1963, Carson testified before president Kennedy's science advisory committee.
  • kenyan independence

    kikuyu tribe organized revolts against british settlers, led by Jomo Kenyatta. british used other tribes against the kikuyu, led to 13000 african death. kenyatta becomes president when independence was gained in 1963.
  • vietnam war

    Vietnam is split between communist north (supported by USSR) and capitalist south (supported by US). US defends south Vietnam by sending air attacks against the north. problems faced by US troops like unfamiliar landscape, booby trapped roads and villages, lack of clear mission and use of extensive underground network by the north. North defeated the south and vietnam united under communist rule on april 30, 1975.
  • 6-day war

    israel completed a water project on eastern border and syria demanded that egypt destroy the project because it encroached on contested land. nasser moved 80,000 troops to the egypt-israel border and cut off israeli ports from trade after UN peacekeepers left Sinai. syria committed over 100,000 troops to war and many middle eastern and north african countries aided with forces and weaponry. arab oil-producing countries boycotted anyone that intervened. israel gained victory in war.
  • oil crisis

    organization of the petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) formed in 1960, involving Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern and Northern African countries. the OPEC banned exporting oil to countries supporting Israel against Palestine in the Arab-Israeli war. the price of petroleum raised by 300% in 1974. attempts to limit consumption was implemented in Europe and US.
  • yom kippur war

    nasser's successor sadat attempted a sit down with israel but prime minister refused. sadat turned to syria with new method against israel. organized a surprise attack on yom kippur when israel is at most vulnerable. USSR and arab states provided military support. IDF lost ground on both fronts and authorized use of nuclear weapons. UN resolution 338 demanded ceasefire but israel did not listen and trapped egyption forces moving beyond cease-fire lines. UN reiterated cease fire. end of war.
  • chernobyl disaster

    the Soviet Union constructed nuclear plant near Pripyat, Ukraine. there were four operational reactors by 1982 with multiple errors. computer programs monitoring the reactors were slow and had no power to automatically shut down when in crisis. on April 26, reactor No.4 had a meltdown, rupturing the reactor core leading to the release of considerable amount of radioactive material into the air. polluted Ukraine, Belarus,Russia and many other regions. initial response cost nearly $68 billion.
  • Gulf war

    Aug 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded and annexed Kuwait. Saudi Arabia requested aid from the US to stop Iraqi dictator. US led coalition of 34 countries sent troops to liberate Kuwait and push back Iraqi expansion. led to permanent US presence in Gulf region.
  • balkan wars

    groups within Austria-Hungary had conflict with each other leading to multiple ethnic cleansing and genocides. serbs feared living under muslim rule therefore declaring independence. UN creates separate muslim Croat and Bosnian serb federations to share power. Albanians tired of living under serb regime leading to kosovo war. 10,000 NATO bombing missions. in 2002, Milosevic and hundreds charged with war crimes. in 2003, Yugoslavia is dissolved.
  • terrorism attack

    series of 4 suicide terrorist attacks against the US by Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. 19 terrorists hijacked 4 commercial airliners. 2 planes flown into the north and south towers of the World Trade Center. a plane flown into the pentagon in Washington and a 4th plane that was downed in Pennsylvania after a passenger revolt. nearly 3,000 deaths and over 25,000 injured. over $10 billion in damage. remains the deadliest non-state terrorist attack in history.