1980's Technology

  • CD Player

    CD Player
    In 1982 Sony released the first commercial Compact CD player. At this time CD players sold for $674 and CD's cost $15, they were products of the wealthy but slowly became mainstream and was soon in the majority of American households.
  • Apple MacIntosh

    Apple MacIntosh
    Apple revolutionized the technology industry with the releasing of MacIntosh. It is one of the worlds first successful personal computer. At the time, unlike other Apple products, MacIntosh was a computer that the average person can use.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    Ever since its initial launch in 1985, Microsoft has released 10 versions of the system. Although it looks different today, Windows really got its start in 1985. Windows 1 was made by Bill Gates and was an iconic moment in the tech world because the system heavily relied on the use of a mouse to input information, while other systems mainly used the keyboard.
  • Disposable Camera

    Disposable Camera
    Although disposable cameras are not around that often today, they marked a great moment in the development of photography. Disposable cameras can date back to the 1880's but it wasn't until 1987 that a company released a consumer-ready disposable camera. Kodak's "The Fling" was good for 24 photos. After the Fling's release, other companies started making their own versions.
  • Nintendo Gameboy

    Nintendo Gameboy
    Even though Nintendo was founded in 1889, it wasn't until 100 years later that one of its most popular toys hit the market. in 1989, Nintendo released the Gameboy, a personal gaming device. Users could play different games by switching the different cartridges. The Gameboy was originally only released in Japan, but after much success, it was available in the United States too.