
1960s Timeline -Shanzeh Khan

  • SNCC was founded

    SNCC was founded
    Stands for "Student Non-violent Coordination Committe" which was made for students who were active in the Civil Rights Movement
  • John F. Kennedy's & Nixon's first televised debate came.

    John F. Kennedy's & Nixon's first televised debate came.
    The first televised presidential debate happened on September 26, 1960 with JFk and Nixon during the 1960 election.
  • National Liberation Front

    National Liberation Front
    The Viet Cong form in South Vietnam.
  • Sit Ins

    Sit Ins
    Sit-Ins was a way of showing non-violent protest, many students had participated in sit ins. Many students went to jail for this, but that was fine since they were prepared for arrest.
  • Period: to

    Kennedy and Johnson Years

    Kennedy was president 1961-1963, he was running for re-election but he got assissinated during the process. From there Johnson became president, he also eventually went for a election and won a landslide victory.
  • John F. Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps

    John F. Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps
    JFK established the Peace Corps on March 1, 1961, this was after JFK did a speech on 1961 to a cheering crowd how the doctors and future helpers of America will potentially go outside of America to serve poor striving countries.
  • Soviet Cosmonaut is first to orbit Earth

    Soviet Cosmonaut is first to orbit Earth
    Yuri Gagarin flew on a single orbit around Earth, he was the first man to go to space.
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    Bay of Pigs Invasion

    The Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failed military invasion on Cuba by the CIA and JFK to overthrow Fidel Castro.
  • Freedom Riders challenge segregation on interstate buses

    Freedom Riders challenge segregation on interstate buses
    On May 4, 1961 the first Freedom Ride began with CORE leader James Farmer.
  • The Soviets build the Berlin Wall

    The Soviets build the Berlin Wall
    On 1961 the Soviets build the Berlin Wall to stop refugees from East Germany to go in to West Germany.
  • First American Astronaut to Orbit Earth

    First American Astronaut to Orbit Earth
    John Glenn was the first American astronaut to orbit Earth, this was after the first Soviet Cosmonaut that went into space. When JFK found this out he asked his aides if there was anything they can do to beat the Russians in the Space Race.
  • Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

    Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
    Rachel Carson published the Silent Spring and try to promote better Enviormental practices.
  • James Meredith finally goes to school.

    James Meredith finally goes to school.
    On October 1st, James Meredith was the first African American student to go to an all white university, which was University of Mississippi.
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missile Crisis Occurs

    Also named the 13 Day Crisis, this began when JFK and Staff "assummed" Cuba wanted to go to war because of the Spy Plane they sent made pictures of Cuba building missiles.
  • The Soviet Union shoots down a U.S U-2 plane

    The Soviet Union shoots down a U.S U-2 plane
    During the Cuban Missile Crisis a American U-2 Spy Plane was flown over Cuba to see the status of the missiles. While in air, it was shot down by the Soviet Missile crew.
  • Soviets Remove Missiles from Cuba

    Soviets Remove Missiles from Cuba
    At the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Soviets agreed to remove their missiles if U.S remove theirs, remove the blockade, and not invade Cuba.
  • Beatles achieve international fame- Counterculture

    Beatles achieve international fame- Counterculture
    The Beatles got international fame during the Counter-culture after they realesed their second single on January 11, 1963.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. wrote Letter from Birmingham

    Martin Luther King Jr. wrote Letter from Birmingham
    During the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr. got aressted in Birmingham. The letter talks about non-violent acts against racism.
  • Organization of African Unity is founded

    Organization of African Unity is founded
    The main goal of this organization was to make sure all African Americans had equal rights.
  • March on Washington takes place

    March on Washington takes place
    The March on Washington takes place, this was about getting freedom and human rights. MLK Jr. did his "I have a dream" Speech here.
  • South Vietnam

    South Vietnam
    South Vietnamese presdient Ngo Dinh Diem, was executed during a coup.
  • John F. Kennedy is assassinated

    John F. Kennedy is assassinated
    JFK is assassinated during a presidential campaign at Dallas, Texas.
  • Johnson is president

    Johnson is president
    Johnson was immediately sworn president after JFK's assassination. He did Kennedy's term, then he ran for election and he won a landslide victory.
  • 3 young Civil Rights activist killed in Mississippi

    3 young Civil Rights activist killed in Mississippi
    James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Micheal Schwerner were killed by whites who disagreed with Civil Rights for African Americans.
  • Congress passes the Civil Rights Act

    Congress passes the Civil Rights Act
    The Civil RIghts Act of 1964 is one of the important thing happened during the Civil Rights Movement, this outlawed discrimination against racial, ethnic, national, religion and women.
  • Period: to

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    North Vietnam attck on 2 U.S destroyers that were sitting on the Gulf of Tonkin
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    Since the Gulf of Tonkin happened, the U.S. Congress decideds to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
  • Malcolm X assassinated

    Malcolm X assassinated
    Civil Rights Activist Malcolm X was assassinated on February 21, 1965 in New York City, New York. He was first for black seperation but eventually switched to integration.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    U.S started bombing North Vietnam.
  • Selma March

    Selma March
    One of the violent protest during the Civil Rights Movement, although it wasn't the protesters, it was the State Troopers who were bringing on the violence. With full media coverage and coming between a Nazi War Crime Movie, this was a failed attempt to go to the Captial. The Second attempt was sucessful since Johnson sent in National Guards to protect them.
  • U.S Troops arrive at Vietnam

    U.S Troops arrive at Vietnam
    This was the day U.S Troops first arrived in Vietnam.
  • Medicare and Medicaid were formed

    Medicare and Medicaid were formed
    The Medicare and Medicaid were formed and signed into law by Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Congress passed the Voting Rights Act 1965

    Congress passed the Voting Rights Act 1965
    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohbitied discrimination in voting.
  • Period: to

    Watts Riots

    This violent riot was during the Civil Rights Movement, which resulted in 34 deaths. This took place in California.
  • Black Panthers were found

    Black Panthers were found
    Huey Newton and Bobby Seale found this organization in Oakland, California to protect blacks from police brutality.
  • Unsafe At Any Speed

    Unsafe At Any Speed
    A book by Ralph Nader, which talks about saftey while driving. Like speed limit and seat belts.
  • National Organization for Women

    National Organization for Women
    This was a organization for feminst and getting human rights for women.
  • Period: to

    Miranda v. Arizona

    Miranda v. Arizona was argued between the dates of Feb 28 to March 1. The offical decision was made on June 13, 1966. This court case made the Miranda Rights.
  • NOW is founded

    NOW is founded
    This was one of the biggest feminist organizations in 1966, these women wanted human and civil rights.
  • Isreal defeats Arab states

    Isreal defeats Arab states
    Isreal defeats the Arab states in a 6 day war, U.S went to Isreal's side on this war.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The North Vietnam join the Viet Cong to do the Tet Offensive, in which they attacked Saigon and other South Vietnam cities.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    U.S Soldiers mass killed Vietnamese civilians in the town of My Lai.
  • Martin Luther King Jr Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr Assassinated
    MLK Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968 in Tennessee.
  • Robert Kennedy

    Robert Kennedy
    Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angelos by a man who didn't like why America took side with Isreal during a war between Isreal and the Arab states.
  • Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    On August 20, 1968, the Soviet Union and the allies in the Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia.
  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh
    Ho Chi Minh who was a communist leader dies at age 79.
  • U.S Troops in Vietnam

    U.S Troops in Vietnam
    U.S Troops in Vietnam reach to 540,000. The day when they found this out is a little unclear.
  • President Nixon withdraws troops

    President Nixon withdraws troops
    The date of this is a little unclear, but on this month Nixon ordered to get a lot of the U.S Troops withdrawed from Vietnam.
  • Woodstock

    Woodstock was a 3 day music festival, that promoted Peace and Love. This was an event mainly attended by hippies.
  • Public learns about My. Lai

    Public learns about My. Lai
    The Amercains civilans learn about the my Lai Massacre.
  • Altamont Speedway Free Festival

    Altamont Speedway Free Festival
    This was a counter culture music festival that was held in North California. This was like a second Woodstock, that had hippies, drugs and sex.