1960s Timeline

  • The first televised presidential debate

    The first televised presidential debate
    People who watched the event thought that J.F.K. had won the debate because he stayed calm and collected while people who listened to the debate thought that he had lost.
  • John F. Kennedy elected president

    John F. Kennedy elected president
    John F. Kennedy the democratic nominee was elected as president. J.F.K. was later assasinated.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This was a 13 day scare between the U.S. and the soviets. We were worried that they had nuclear missiles.
  • Berlin builds a new wall

    Berlin builds a new wall
    This wall was built to keep people from passing in between east and west Gemny.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The march on Washington is when African Americans marched through Washington to raise awairness for equal rights.
  • President Kennedy is assassinated

    President Kennedy is assassinated
    President Kenedy was assasianted while in a parade in Texas. He is believed to have been shot from a building.
  • Ford Motors introduces the "Mustang"

    Ford Motors introduces the "Mustang"
    This was a big deal because it was when the Mustang first came out. It was very popular.
  • Gulf of Tonkin incident

    Gulf of Tonkin incident
    This was an incedent that happened in the gulf of Tonkin. It was between North Korea and the United States
  • Assassination of Martin Luther King

    Assassination of Martin Luther King
    MLK was an influencial figure in the fight for equality. He was assasinated on the 4th of April in 1968.
  • Richard Nixon is elected President

    Richard Nixon is elected President
    Richard Nixon a former senator is elected President of the U.S.