Images 7

The Life of Irene by Mitchell P.

  • Vietnam War Starts

    Vietnam War Starts
    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War began with a French defeat and ended with a United States defeat. The war will last 18 years 4 mouths and 1 day. The war ends in Communist Victory.
  • First T.V. Debate JFK And Nixon

    First T.V. Debate JFK And Nixon
    Debate Video
    This day is revolutionary for the media and the American people a like. This is the first debate ever to be televised. This will make choosing a President a lot more determined by physical appearance. JFK wins the election and many argue it is because of his physical attributes.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was very significant for the Soviets and a problem for the U.S. and the free world. The wall was a golden propaganda tool for the Russians. The wall demonstrated the power of communism and the Great Russian Bear.
  • Cuban Misslle Crysis

    Cuban Misslle Crysis
    Cuban Missile Crisis
    These 13 days are the closest the world has ever come to an all out nuclear war. This was the worse news to ever be upon the United States and the whole world. During these 13 days the Soviet Union had the upper hand and could possibly win. the cold war without a strike on there own soil.
  • March On Washington

    March On Washington
    MOW wiki
    This was the most significant day for the civil rights movement. This was the day that Dr. Martin Luther King gave his I Have A Dream Speech. One of the most influential speeches the world has ever seen.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    JFK assassinatio video
    This was the day that JFK was shot twice. The second bullet ended his life. The shooter that most people think did the act was Lee H Oswald. However many believe others were also a part in the scenario. These matter of minutes sent shock waves across the planet.
  • Sarted High School

    Sarted High School
    Irene will atend Bay Veiw Highscool in Wisconsin Bayveiw. She will stay for all for years then train to become a nurse.
  • First Heard Of The Beattles

    First Heard Of The Beattles
    The Beattles were famous for there music from the east to the west hemisphere. After talking to her cousin in the UK The Beattles soon became Irene's favorite band.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday video
    Bloody Sunday was one of America's most violent and unequal days of all time. State troopers and police beat on and killed civil rights demonstrators. This was the day the the phrase police brutality really got its meaning. This happen Selma AL USA.
  • First Drivers License

    First Drivers License
    After a lot of hard work Irene Zukowski is a legal driver.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    Tet Offensive wiki
    During 1968 in the Vietnam War most American’s didn't know that we were slowly beginning to lose. The Vietnamese launched the tet offensive. This was a huge campaign by the Vietnamese to hit the American’s hard. The NVA and VC attacked every major city in Vietnam. They also targeted the U.S. command posts. United states citizens quickly picked up on who was winning after the tet offensive.
  • MLK assassination

    MLK assassination
    MLK asassination wiki
    Martin Luther King Jr was the civil rights leader during the 60s. He was the role model of the civil rights demonstrators and gave them their moral for freedom. The kkk and racists saw this and many wanted nothing more than to kill him themselves. This was not the first attempt many times his home was shot at, bombed, burned down until one day he was shot at the top of Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. A man named James Earl Ray was supposedly the shooter, but many are unsure.
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    Irene graduated Bayveiw High Schooland plans to train as a nurse.
  • First Date

    Irene's first date was Ian putowski.
  • First Vacation

    First Vacation
    Irene decides to get away from home and travel to Hawaii.
  • Moved Out

    Moved Out
    Aunt Irene moves out on her own for the first time.
  • The Moon Landing

    The Moon Landing
    Space Walk Youtube
    During the space race the first big move was the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union. This was a golden demonstration of communist power. This struck fear into the American people fearing a nuclear strike from Soviet space craft. Many more moves were launched by the Soviets and the Americans. Until two American astronauts landed on the moon and won the space race in democracy. there names are Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. These two men are two of the most legendary people in American and wo
  • boyfriend killed In Vietnam

    boyfriend killed In Vietnam
    Ian Putowski Irene's boyfriend is killed in The Vietnam War
  • Married

    Aunt Irene marries Tom Borucki.
  • First Child

    First Child
    Autie Irene and Tom Burouki have Brenda Burouki