1955-1975 LETU History

  • The Vietnam War begins

    This was a war fought by the Soviet backed North and the US backed South. It was the longest war fought by the US in its attempts to stop the spread of Communism.
  • Supreme Court rules that segregated buses are unconstitutional

    This ruling helped the Civil Rights Movement and ended the Montgomery bus boycott.
  • Sputnik I is put into orbit

    This was the first artificial satellite put into orbit. Shows the advanced technology of the Soviet Union and is said to be the start of the Space Race.
  • Miles Davis releases Kind of Blue

    This top selling jazz album changed the music industry in a big way, and was reflective of culture with its most popular track, "So What."
  • John F. Kennedy is sworn in as the 35th President

  • Yuri Gagarin becomes first man in space.

    Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin is sent into space by the Soviet Space Program. This shows how far ahead the Soviet program was, and is an earlier victory in the space race.
  • Gherman Titov becomes first man to orbit more than once

    Another early victory for the Soviets in the space race.
  • Berlin Wall begins construction

    The wall separated East and West Berlin so that the citizens on the East side could not escape to the West. This type of cruelty was telling of the true character of the Soviet Union.
  • President Kennedy gives the "We choose to go to the Moon" speech

    At this point in time, the US had a total of about fifteen minutes of total time spent in space, and zero Americans had completed an entire orbit. Yet, JFK declared that America would reach the Moon before the Soviets (he would later add within this decade when delivering a similar speech before Congress).
  • MLK gives the "I Have a Dream" speech

    During the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered this famous speech illustrating his dream for a pure America whose past actions do not affect people's attitude, and race is not considered in any way.
  • Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as the 36th President

  • President JFK is shot and killed

    Lee Harvey Oswald killed him from the top floor of a book depository at 12:30 in Dallas while JFK was in a motorcade, uncovered.
  • President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This landmark law completely outlaws segregation and discrimination both in the workspace/job market, voting scenarios, and schools.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is signed

    Signed under President Johnson, this gave him (and the office of President) the power to use any force to repel attacks against the US military. He used this power to increase involvement in the US war with bombing campaigns and more ground troops.
  • Apollo 1 fire kills the crew

    During a test weeks before the launch date, a fire started in the command module, and the crew was unable to escape. This set back the Apollo program, but it lead to a very improved design with far more safety. It uncovered many problems besides the fire and led to a much safer future for Apollo.
  • MLK is assissinated

    Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. was standing on the balcony of his Memphis motel room when he was fatally shot. The death of this leader was felt througout the nation.
  • Richard Nixon is inaugurated as the 37th President

  • Apollo 11 lands on the Moon

    Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the Moon, take pictures, and collect materials. This is the greatest achievement of the Space Race, and perhaps for all mankind.
  • The first pieces of the Pentagon Papers are published

    These documents from the Pentagon were photocopied by Daniel Ellsberg and leaked to various newspapers for publication. The documents were the results from a study of the US involvement in Vietnam, and exposed lies told by US Presidents along the way.
  • Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns

    He later plead to not contest a felony count of tax evasion. This was an early sign of corruption in the Nixon Administration.
  • President Nixon resigns due to the Watergate scandal

    The Watergate scandal refers to a collection of illegal and otherwise sketchy actions done by the Nixon administration. Most notably, breaking into the Watergate complex where the Democratic headquarters were. His men trying get political information/ sabotage their political rivals.
  • Vice President Gerald Ford is sworn in as the 38th President

  • Vietnam War ends

    The last US troops leave on a helicopter, and shortly after the Northern troops invade Saigon and raise the Viet Cong flag. This is the final defeat of South Vietnam and marks the end of direct US involvement in Vietnam.
  • The Apollo-Soyuz mission is launched

    This joint mission between the US and USSR represents a final end to the Space Race, and the growing willingness between the two countries for cooperation, especially in science.