1955 – 1975

  • Interstate Highway Act

    The government decided it was time to build an interstate. This was going to allow the people to transport things in more of a timely manner.
  • Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act was to make all Americans be allowed their right to vote. The Congress of the United States approved this Bill because of the reconstruction adding a protection of rights on voting.
  • First United States Attempt to Launch

    This was the first attempt from the United States to launch a satellite. This was an important attempt because it was showing that they were trying to win the space race over with the Russians.
  • Inflation

    The great inflation started. This was a period of time where the inflation was not typically high. The increase on inflation caused for a great increase in growth of money.
  • Martin Luther King Jr

    Martin Luther King Jr was Assassinated.
  • United States Spending

    The Untied States spent $22 billion a year for the Vietnam war. This was 12% of the entire federal budget.
  • First Man On the Moon

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin(the pilot) landed on the moon. The United States economy spent a huge amount of money for this to happen.
  • 26th Amendment

    This Amendment was allowing the voting age to start at 18 years old.
  • Founding of Microsoft

    Bill Gates founded Microsoft.
  • Minimim Wage

    Minimum wage went up from .75 cents to $1 a hour.