
By MattM35
  • Rosa Parks Bus refusal

    Rosa Parks refused to surrender her seat to a white person. This begins the Montgomery bus boycott which leads to much more.
  • U.S. Presidential Election

    The incumbent Dwight Eisenhower(R) won reelection against Adlai Stevenson(D).
  • U.S. Presidential Election

    John F. Kennedy(D) won the election against Richard Nixon(R).
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Act outlawed discrimination based on race, religion, sex, etc. It also outlawed unequal voting laws and segregation in schools, workplaces, etc.
  • Gulf of Tonkin incident

    It was an attack on two U.S. destroyers from the North Vietnamese. Afterward the Golf of Tonkin resolution was passed allowing for Johnson to take have more military control during the Vietnam War. After this event there was more U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
  • U.S. Presidential Election

    Incumbent Lyndon B. Johnson(D) won the election against Barry Goldwater(R).
  • Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

    The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. was done by James Earl Ray. He died at a Motel in Memphis Tennessee.
  • U.S. Presidential Election

    The former vice president Richard Nixon(R) won the election against Hubert Humphrey(D).
  • Watergate Scandal

    Where Nixon stole information from the DNC and was abusing his power to stay president. It caused a long scandal and removals of office to later lead to his resignation.
  • Clean Water Act passed

    A big achievement for environmentalists across the nation. Helped push for clean water.
  • U.S. Presidential Election

    Incumbent Richard Nixon(R) won reelection against George McGovern(D).
  • Richard Nixon's resignation

    Richard Nixon's resignation was announced from a speech the oval office. He probably did it to cover up his tracks and to avoid further ownership of the situation. The person he replaced as president pardoned him.
  • End of Vietnam War / Fall of Saigon

    The Vietnam War ended with South Vietnam falling to communism in Saigon. It was the capitol of South Vietnam.