1954-1975 Timeline APUSH by Jess_13

By Jess_13
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    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006Dwight "Ike" D. Eisenhower born on October 14,1890 in Texas. Was third out of seven siblings. Grew up in Kansas and went to West Point became second lietenant. He led the Allied Forces on D-Day in North Africa. In the presidential election of 1952, Eisenhower defeated Adlai E. Stevensen. Popular among the people because he was a general and promised to visit Korea and get a peace negotiation. Eisenhower was an excellent commander but failed to act on civil rights movement. Presidency ended 1961.
  • Second Red Scare

    Second Red Scare
    Joseph McCarthy began to accuse the State Department of of employing communist members. Joseph had to evidence to prove his accusations but inserted fear into the American people. In 1954 he pushed his limits when he attacked the Army of being Communist. Senate discredited his accusations. McCarthy deprived the US of having Asian specialists who could of possibly helped during Vietnam War.
  • French surrender at Dienbienphu

    French surrender at Dienbienphu
    French troops were being aid by the US but where unable to establish control. Geneca conference was held and Vietnam was diveded at the 1th parallel. North and South were to held elections but didn't proceed because communist seem certain of there win. Ho zchin Ming was supplying Vientcong in South and fear that communist would take over the US began to supply the South Vietnamese becoming involved.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    It started with the arrest of Rosa Parks who wouldn't give up her seat for a white person to sit. She was in section reseved for African Americans but the white section filled up and she was orderd to give up her seat. NAACP saw this as an opputunity to protest and had Martin Luther King Jr as teh leader of the boycott. The bus system and white businesses suffered from the boycott. Evetually in late 1956 Supreme Court said that segregation on buses was unconstitutional.
  • Interstate Highway Act of 1956

    Interstate Highway Act of 1956
    Suppported by Eisenhower even though it was a New Deal program. The act was a $27 billion plan to build concrete roads up to forty-two thousand miles. It helped create construction jobs. The construction of the highways was also due to the possibility of being attacked by foreign countries and the highways would make an easier evacuation and help military move around.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    After the Supreme Court made its decision of segregation in school was unconstitutional schoold still oppsed it. In Little Rock, Arkansas the Governor Orval Faubus orderes the National Guard to prevent nine black students from entering the school. Along with angry whites they harassed the students and fro three weeks the National Guard stopped them from entering the school. President Eisenhower finally sent federal troops to stop the standoff and accompany the Little Rock Nine to their classes.
  • Sit-In Movement

    Sit-In Movement
    The sit-in movement began with four black college students who were freshman in Greensboro, North Carolina. These students wanted service at a white only lunch counter. A black waitress refused to serve them but these four black studens kept seated at the counter. The following day they returned with nineteen more students and the amount of students increased the following days. The movement helpd create the Student Nonviolent Coordnating Committee.
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    John F. Kennedy

    Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006Became the youngest president to be elected and created a young cabinet as well. People feared he would be influenced by Pope since he was Catholic. During his presidency he made the Peace Corpsto help undeveloped countries. He came up with a social program called the New Frontier was to give medical aid to elderly and to better education. Kennedy also struggled with racial discrimination. John F. Kennedy was assasinated on November 22,1963 in Texas leading to the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    Trying to stop fidel Castro of taking power in Cuba, President Kennedy with his advisors gave the approval to proceed with a plan against Cuba. Bay of Pigs failed due to poor air support. Without the air support the anticommunist exiles had nohance on land invasion. They fought for three days but where defeated, the survivors were captured but released a year later for $52 million and US aid to Cuba. Kennedy took full resposibility for the failure of plan and elimination of communism threat.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The march was the biggest demonstration in the United States. There were more than 200,000 people of different race. Civil rights figures gave their speeches and Martin Luther Kign Jr. was the last one to deliver his "I Have a Dream" speech. The march was a high peak in the civil rights movement and aimed to make a break in social challenges.
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    Lyndon Baines Johnson

    Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006Johnson was sworned into office on the flight back to Washington with JFK's body. LBJ pushed Kennedy's stalled bills through Congress such as the tax bill and civil rights act. Johnson created the Great Society Program which aimed to aid education, medical care for elderly and indigent, immigration reform, and a new voting rights bill. He tried to end poverty. But his mistake was he sent more troops to Vietnam angering anti-war protestors. In 1968 announced that he would not run for election.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Also known as Mississippi Summer Project, the volunteeers where mostly white students and the trainers came from poor families and some where SNCC workers. The goal of the project was to get African Americas to register to vote. The project also heped to educate children how to read, do math, know about black history and be proud as well as teaching them about the civil rights movement. The volunteers enccountered harrasment by white suprematists in Mississippi and killed three of the volunteers
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    President Johnson pushed the act through Congress even with some southners in Congress fighting agasint it. The act prohibited dicrimination in theaters, hospitals, and restaurants. It also created teh EEOC, Equal Employment Opputunity Commission which was to to stop discrimination in hiring.
  • War on Poverty

    War on Poverty
    On his attempt to end poverty Johnson asked Congress to pass the Economic Opportunity Act which they did on August 1964. EOA helped creat other programs such as the Job Corps and Volunteers in Service to Ameica (VISTA). VISTA was like the Peace Corps, it helped poor communities but in the US. The Job Corps would offer programs to train the unemployed youth. These programs were run by the Office of Economic Opputunity whic was given $1 billion by congress to run the programs.
  • Malcom X's Death

    Malcom X's Death
    After going to Mecca, Malcom X returned a different man. He continued to preach Black Power but was willing to act with other civil rights leaders and called for harmony instead of violence. Malcom X was killed by his own Black Muslims brothers because they saw him as a traitor.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    The operation was ordered by President Johnson. It was to bomb North Vietnam especially there Ho Chi Ming Trail. U.S pilots were to bomb the trail because it was used to send weapons, soldiers, and food to Vietcong and NVA in South Vietnam. Also they had to bomb anything that would be used by the North against US and South such as bridges and roads. The goal was to weaken the enemy but failed at this attempt.
  • Selma March

    Selma March
    The march was a 54 miles long and was to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge out of Selma. State police officers stopped them and acted violently. The officers attacked the marchers with tear gas, clubs, and chains. Matin Luther King Jr. wasn't involved on this day but on March 9th he continued the march along with the marchers and on March 25th the arrived at montgomery with protection. The officers attack on the marchers was seen on television sets by vieweres back home and it showed the violence.
  • Anti-War Movements

    Anti-War Movements
    Anti-war movements had began in1960's nut became national known in 1965 and made its peak in 1968. Movements were against the involvement of the US in the Vietnam War and having young boys killed. Protestors were against the draft and had teach-ins to educate the people of why war was not the solution. When Johnson ordered more troops into Vietnam after the bombings on North Vietnam and a counter attack there was no clear vision of a victory.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    The act let African American to vote and within three weeks there was more than 27,000 registered to vote. The act prohibited literacy tests which were to retain the amount of African American voters. Not African Americans held power in their hands and didn't fear the whites.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The North Vietnamese troops knowing the South troops going home for the holiday took advantage of this. As South troops went home US troops were left fighting on there own. US bases and cities were attacked both sides suffered casualties but North had more losses. The Tet Offensive started to create doubt in the American people.
  • Martin Luther Kign Jr's Assasination

    Martin Luther Kign Jr's Assasination
    After speaking at a rally in Memphis, Tennessee Martin Luther King Jr. was killed on his motel balcony by James Earl Bay. His assasination angered African Americans in different cities. There were riots leading to 46 people dead, injured, and some arrested troops were called in to restore order.
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    Richard M. Nixon

    Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006As Richard. M Nixon became president he first acted on foreign policy and putting an end to war so there wouldn't be any more separation between the people. The Watergate Scandal caused Nixon to lose popularity. The scandal ended up being the down fall on Nixon people wanted his to be impeached. in 1974 Nixon ends up resigning.
  • Vietnamization

    President Nixon ordered the withdrawal of 54,000 troops from South Vietnam with this policy. The fighting was to shift from US troops doing the work to having South Vietnamese troops take more action in their war. By 1972 the troops had decreased to 24,000.
  • On the Moon

    On the Moon
    Kennedy supported the project to have and Americanland on the moon. The project ended up costing $24 billion. JFK didn't get to experience the landing since he was assasinated in 1963. But it was two American astronauts to actaully step on the moon the third astronaut had to stay in the spacecraft.
  • Watergate Scadal

    Watergate Scadal
    Workers of the Republican Committee Re-election campaign for Nixon were trying to get useful information to help win the election. Five burgalrs who broke in for the invformation and were caught they were officals who had worked in the White house and questions rose of whether Nixon knew about the scheme. Later on there was news about tapes that might of recorded the planing of this scheme. Supreme Court evetually made Nixon give up the tapes and even recommended the impeachment of Nixon.
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments

    Title IX of the Education Amendments
    Congress passed it to stop sex discriminationin any type of fereal education program. It helped create opputunities for girls and women to participate in athletics in schools and colleges.
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    With this act it cut the power of the president on war-making decisions. The act required the president to report within 48 hours after sending troops or making the units larger in a foreign country. If Congress didn't extend the duration for thurty days the order would have to end within sixty days.
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    Gerald Ford

    Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006The resignation of Agnew made Gerald Ford take vice president position, and with the Nixin's resignation on presidetn Ford became the first unelected president. The little popularity he had sinked when he pardon Nixon. For tried to stop inflation but with Democrats in Congress it was hard. He couldn't do much to try to aid the South Vietnamese because Congress wouldn't allow it. He tried to keep Nixon's policy of detente so the US wouldn't go in to another war. Eleciton of 1976 he didn't win.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    Before the North Vietnamese troops started to walk in and take over South Vietnam the last of Amercain troops and about 140,000 South vietnamese people were evacuated. The South Vietnamese people that were evacuated were involved with helping US troops that they would be killed by the north once they arrived. The North took over the South with little resistence.
  • Helsinki Accords & Detente

    Helsinki Accords & Detente
    In the signing of the Helsinki accords recognized the boundaries of Soviet property and the Soviets guaranteed to protect certain huma rights. European countries cheered these agreements but the people in America said USSR was benefiting but the US was not receving any profit.