1954-1975 Timeline APUSH by ISAVEZELDA

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Info and Picture Won his first term in 1952, and relection in 1956. He was one of the key leaders in the D-Day invasion, and a repbulican. His famous slogan "I like Ike" trasended generations. Domoestic Policey
    * Order the 101 Air born to protect the little rock nine when met with white students( See little Rock)
    *He followed a consveriative agenda, with reducation of taxes, and less goverment control.
  • Period: to

    1954-1975 Timeline (Vietnam War Spam)

  • Brown vs The Board of Education

    Civil Rights Movement The supreme court unanimously declared that segeration in schools was unconcstitutional. Over turning the case of Plasey vs Ferguson which had made segeration concstiutional in 1896. The NCAAP lawyer, Marshall, would later become the first black supreme court justice.
  • Murder of Till

    Civil Rights Movement Picture A young 15 year old boy from Chicago, Emmet Till, was murdered in Mississipp. After being kidnapped, beaten, and shot- for whistling at a white woman. His murders, Milan and Bryant were acquitted by a jury of only whites.
  • Rose Park

    Civil Rights Movement and Picture Rose Park refused to give up her seat on a segerated bus when instructed in Montgomery, Alabma. She was latered arrested by the police. This would help kick of the Mogtogmery bosy boycott lead by Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine (Info and Picture) A group of nine black students try entering Central High School, in Little Rock, Ark., but are denied enterance by white students who are against intergation. National guard troops are called in, in order to ptotect the black students, who are directly attacked by the governer.
  • JFK

    Info and Pic (White House) youngest President ever elected John Fitzgerald Kenedy, had a super star aura around him. With his brilighten handling of the Cuban Missle crsis and accepting of the failure of the Pay of Big Invasion. Domestic
    * Followed his famous "New Forntier " coined from his acceptance speech. Focusd mainly on the economy in which he raised his the the average wage.
    *Ordered troops and his brother robert to protect James Meredith, the first black student of Old Miss.
  • Letters from Birmingham

    Birmingham Letter Info Martin Luther King is caught and jailed after protesting in Brimingam. During this time he writes his infamous "Letter from Brimingham Jail" in where he argues for an inidivuals duty to "rebel" against unjustice laws.
  • Death of Evers.

    [Evers Info](cdn.optmd.com/V2/62428/452395/index.html?g=Af////8=&r=www.infoplease.com/spot/civilrightstimeline1.html) Picture Important civil rights leader Medgar Evers, is murdered in front of his house. He had been a key civil rights leader in Mississippi. When his murderer Beckwith is tried in 1964, both trails are hung juries. He isn't convicted until 30 years later.
  • Lyndon Johnson

    LBJ info and Pic (Whitehouse) After the death of John F Kennedy, on Novemeber 22nd, 1963, LBJ, how he is more commonly known. A stern man, who was famous for mistreating people, he would focus on his legacy as president. He would pass man landmark acts such as the Civil Rights Act
    * Passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (see Civil Rights act of 1964) making discrimmination based on race illegal.
    *He would follow his "Great Society" which was intended to fight povrerty and reforms such as medicare.
  • Poll Taxes Abolished

    Poll Taxes abolishment info Picture The 24th Amendment is finally passing abolishing poll taxes in America. This was possible do to the famous Selma bridge crossing where African Americans tried crossing a bridge into the town of Selma, in order to vote, but were met with force instead.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Bill info and Picture President Johnson, in honor of Kennedy's legacy passes the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is a heavy blow to discrimination based on race. It gives federal force to enforce desergation. It is the biggest piece of civil rights work passed since reconsruction.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Picture Informtion North Vietnamese forces attack two U.S. destroyers, on August 2nd and 4th, Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Congress gives presdient Johnson a blank check in order to fight the Vietnam war, Tonkin Resolution. Increasing the invovlement of American forces in Vietnam
  • Malcom X Dies.

    Malcom Info and Pic The radical leader of the Civil Rights Movement is killed, Malcom X, in Harlem New York, but murderers are never found. He had been founder of the Organization of Afro-American Unity, and a key Muslim leader. It is believe he was killed by Muslim leaders due to changes in Malcom's way after his trip to Mecca.
  • Tet Offensive

    Info on Tet Off. Picture NVA forces and Vet Cong forces attack American and Vietnemese cities, towns, and locations in over 100 spots. Americans are taken by surprise as the attack is on the most important Holiday for the Vietnemese people. But every battle is an American Victory.
  • Mai Lai Massacre

    Mai Lai Picture An American company was on a search and destory mission when they reached the small town of Mai Lai, of some 700 people, which none of were suited for fighting. But that didn't stop the American from killing almost 500 of them in cold blood.
  • Death of A Hero

    MLK Info and Picture Not to long after his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, perhaps the greatest civil rights leaders, Martin Luther King JR. is killed in Memphis. His killer Ray is brought into justice and convicted for his crimes.
  • Nixon

    Nixon Info and Pic Richard Nixon, won his election in 1968 and than was relected in 1972. He was an anticommunist but managed to work with both China and Russia. He called upon his vice president Agnew to fight the antiwar movement, but his paranoia would get the best of his as reflected in the Watergate scandal.
    *Starting in Mississippi , the Nixon started biracial state committees to plan and implement school desegregation
    *He created a Presidential Task Force for Womans Right.
  • Leaking of Pentagon Papers

    Infomation Picture Papers are published in the New York times which demonstrate that the NVA forces were provacted by America forces during the Golf of Tonkin. These papers are known as the Pentagon Papers.
  • Geralod Ford

    Info and PicFord took off after Nixon resigned due to the watergate scandal. Many heavily critque him, due to the pardoning of Nixon. Ford had to deal with a bad economey and the Vietnam wound reopening when south Vietnam fell. Domestic
    * Pardoning of Nixon, 2 months after taking office.
    *He was faced with a democratic congress making his goal to lower inflation close to impossible.
  • Fall of the South

    Info Picture The South Vietnemese forces fall to the communist, ending the war, and making sure Americans failed in their efforts.