
By Dkizzy
  • First American Death in Vietnam

    First American Death in Vietnam
    Lt. Col. PeteMIA Dewey's death maked the first in a long list of casualties in Vietnam. He was an advisor to Viet Mihn forces fighting against Japan. He was killed by troops of the same army he was fighting for, they claimed it was a case of mistaken identity, they thought he was french.
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  • Dwight Eisenhower

    Dwight Eisenhower
    Whitehouse.govThe 34th president of the United states was a high ranking general in the united states army during world war II. He was emensly popular, people often cheered "I Like Ike". In 1952 Eisenhower entered the presidential race as a republican candidate. One of his lasting achevements as president was his establishment of an interstate high way system. Unfortunalty his prsidency was plauged with the cold war and the failed peace talks that came with it. His pesidency ended with his death in 1955
  • Ganeva Conference Begins

    Ganeva Conference Begins
    History.comrepesentitives of the U.S., China, the U.S.S.R., France, and the U.K. met in Geneva in April of 1954 to discuss the issue of Vietnam. Since the 1940's Ho Chi Mihn's communists and France had been battling over control of the region. The U.S. had been supporting france for years due to its containment policy regarding communism. In July 1954 the Geneva argreemant was signed. The French agreed to withdraw troops from North Vietnam and the country would be split into two.
  • Brown V. Board of education

    Brown V. Board of education
    PictureInfo: PBS.org This Landmark case marked the begiinning of the end of segragation in public schools. It was found that segragation of public venues was againt constitutional rights. In 1954 Oliver Brown sewed the Topeka Kansas school board because the conditions of the local african american school were far worse than that of the local white school.
  • Rosa Park's refusal

    Rosa Park's refusal
    ImageHenry Ford Museum 42 year old seamstress Rosa Parks was arrested on December first 1955 for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. Her arrest sparked the Montgumery bus boycott where Martain Luther King Jr. took up a lead role as a civil rights activist
  • Sit-in

    International civil rights center & museumAs a protest to segragation in local busnisses collage students attending N.C. A&T university sat in a dinner in Greensboro, North Carolina. They sat there waiting to be served, it started with a small group but by March of that year it spread to over 55 cities in 13 states with young abutls attending over 50 different universities.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    Whitehouse.govHis political career started with his positon as a democratic congressmen in massachusetts, later, in 1953 he advanced to the senate. He and his apponent, Nixon, were the first two candidates to have their presidential debates televised. He bacame the first Roman Catholic president with his narrow win. One of his lating accomplishments includes the creation of the peace corps. One of the major difficulties he fa
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    History.comJohn F. Kennedy created the peace corps. The corps was headed by Kennedy's brother-in-law Shriver. 750 voulenteers in 1961 were chosen to serve in 13 nations. By the end of 1963 there were more than 7,000 active voulenteers serving in 33 third- world countries. There are currently over 180,000 Americans who are a part of the program
  • Johnson Comes to Vietnam

    Johnson Comes to Vietnam
    History.comVice President at the time, Lyndon B. Johnson met with president Ngo Dinh Diem in Siagon. He called Diem "The Chirchill of Asia". He promised Diem more troops. During his later presidency he sent over 500,000 US troops into vietnam
  • Marilyn Monroe's Death

    BBCThe Iconic Hollywood actress, aged 36 was found dead in her home in Brentwood, california. She was found on her bed with an empty bottle of sleeping pills at her side. The name she'd been born with was Norma Jeane Mortenson but when, in 1946, she got signed with 20th century fox she changed her name. She was so inspiring because she had risen from rags to riches. She spent most of her childhood in foster homes and orphanages.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    JFK LibraryA U2 spy plane spotted soviet missiles in cuba. Kennedy fearing the use of these missiles in the never rackingly close united states ordered a naval blockade on cuba. On october 22, 1962 Kennedy brought these fears into the public eye when he revealed the issue on television. On July 25, 1963 there was an establishment of a hotline beteen Kremlin and the white house and the Nuclear test ban treaty was signed.
  • The March on Wshington

    The March on Wshington
    On August, 28th, 1963 thousands of people gathered in Washington DC for a day of protest against the inequalities that plagued the country. Many people spoke including James Farmer of CORE, Roy Wilkins of the NAACP, and the most well known activist of the time, Martin Luther King Jr. It was on this day that King presented his famous "I have a dream"speech that stands as a symbol of equality to this day.
  • Birmingham Curch Bombing

    Birmingham Curch Bombing
    University of Illinois The sixteenth street baptist church was a meeting place for activists such as Martin Luther King. At 10:22 am a bomb exploded in the church killing four young girls; Addie Collins, Caole Robertson, and Cythia Wesely ages 14, and Denise McNair age 11. The Klu Klux Klan was responsible for the bombing.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson

    Lyndon B. Johnson
    In 1960 Johnson was elected as Kennedy's vice president. When John F Kennedy was assasinated on November 22, 1963 he was immediately sworn into office. He set out to finish what Kennedy had started by passing a new civil rights bill and tax cuts. One major thing he pushed during his presidency was the bulding of "a great society". In 1964 Johnson ran for presidency again and won by an outstanding 61 percent margin.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    National ArchivesThe civil rights act of 1964 forbid discriminations related to sex, religon, or race in the process of hiring, promoting or firing. The act was passed by president Johnson.
  • Malcom X's assassination

    Malcom X's assassination
    Malcom X was a civil rights activist and leader of Islam. Unlike Martin Luther King Malcom X did not oppose the use of violence to acheive equality. Never the less, he inspired people to stand up for what they believe. In 1963 Malcom X decided to rethink his involvement in the nation of Islam when he learned of leader, Muhmand's, afairs with teenage women. On Feburary 21, 1965 he was killed by three assasigns who were tied to the the nation of Islam in front of his two daughters and wife.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Because of attacks by state troopers on March 7, 1965 on marchers on route to the state capitol of Alabama president Johnson issues a call for a new voting rights law. Congress realized that anti-discrimination laws were not enof to get african americans their right to vote. On August 6, 1965 Johnson signed the peice of legislation that would set minorities voting rights in stone.
  • First African American on the Supreme Court

    First African American on the Supreme Court
    Chicago-Kent Collage of LawAfter Thurgood Marshall grduated from law school he became assosiated with the NAACP and later became the head of its Legal Defence department. In the Brown V. Board of education case he was cheif counsel. During Kennedy's presidency he was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Four years later Johnson appointed him as solicitor general and later to the supreme court. He later retired in 1991 and died in 1993 of heart failure.
  • My Lai Massacure

    My Lai Massacure
    ImagePBSThe 11th Bigade entered the Village of My Lai on March 16, 1968 and began shooting at citizens. The officer of the brigade ordered his troops to "serch and destroy". They killed ofver 300 unarmed citizens including young children and the elderly. There were also several women who were raped. One eye witness stated that there were soilders ordering people to stand over ditches as they mowed them down
  • Martin Luther King's assassination

    Martin Luther King's assassination
    abc NewsOn April 4, 1968 King was shot and killed in a hotel in Mephas by James Earl Ray. The man who had "a dream" of equality for all through peaceful protest's death was fallowed by exteme violence. Riots in Washington D.C. broke out fallowing his death resulting in the death of 12 and injury of over 1,000. King had the ability to deeply move people making him, arguably, the best civil rights leader in history.
  • Richard M. Nixon

    Richard M. Nixon
    White HouseThe California born Nixon had faced many defeats before being elected, in 1960 he lost the presidential election and in 1962 he lost the election to become governer of california. Though Nixon is one of the most hated presidents, he did have his accomplishments. His administration passed new anticrime laws, the end of the draft, and an enviornmental program. His presidency ended with his resignation after connections were found between himself and the watergate scandal.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    BBCOn July 21, 1969 Niel Armstrong took "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." when he became the first man ever to walk on the moon. He spent the first several minuites of his time on the moon collectiong samples and taking photographs. On the same voyage was a man named Buzz Aldrin for whom Buzz lighyear is named after.
  • Charles Manson kills Sharon Tate

    Charles Manson kills Sharon Tate
    History.comJust two weeks left of her pregnancy Sharon Tate, a 26 year old actress was brutaly murdered. She was found with four other people. Charles Manson used his victim's blood to write messages on the walls of his victim's homes causeing Hollywood to slip into a state of panic. He has been the subject of many horror stories, killing, in total 7 high profile people.
  • Gerald R. Ford

    Gerald R. Ford
    After Nixon's resignation Ford became president. He was the first president to ever be sworn in under the twenty-fith amendment. Only a month into his presidency her granted his predecessor a full pardon of all crimes related to the watergate scandal. He choose Nelson Rockefeller as his vice president and slowly switched out Nixon's Cabinent for his own. His primer goal was to curb the nations growing problem of inflation. He ran for president again in 1976 but lost out to Jimmy Carter.
  • Vietnam Falls

    Vietnam Falls
    InfoImageOn April 30, 1975 Tanks rolled through the gates of the presidential palace in Siagon. The last of the democratic forces fled and South Vietnam was taken over by the communist North. In April the North had surrounded th capital Siagon and planned their attack through a strategy called the "Ho Chi Mihn Campaign"