• Drive Ins

    Drive Ins
    with teens getting cars and drivers listens this was a popular spot ether to show off you new car, a place to take a girl, see a new movie, or rock the car if ya get me drift.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    America and Russia were at each others thoughts and most Americans were scared of what will happen
  • Korean War begins

    Korean War begins
    North Korea and South Korea started a war when the North invaded the South.
  • Catcher in the Rye

    Catcher in the Rye
    A book about a young man going through his life. He is unsure about himself, has a struggle with life and handling death.
  • I Love Lucy

    I Love Lucy
    The first episode aired of the most loved show in the 50
  • Brown Vs The Board of Education

    Brown Vs The Board of Education
    Brought an end to discrimination in education
  • The Beatles

    The Beatles
    The 1950's was where they has started to meet and started to form the band, even though it was not the Beatles yet.
  • The Clutters Cold Blood Murder

    The Clutters Cold Blood Murder
    The Clutters were murdered at their home in Holcomb, Kansas. One of the most haunting crime stories in the 50s.