
  • National Socialist German Workers' Party

    This party was pulling people away from communism. Hitler joined the party, then was the leader in its founding year.
  • Joseph Stalin

    Stalin was appointed to the General Secretary of the Russian Communist Party.
  • President Calvin Coolidge

    After President Harding died in office, then the Vice-President, Calvin Coolidge became the 30th United States President.
  • Beer Hall Putsch defeated

    This was a coup that failed by the Nazi Party to overpower the Bavarian government.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    This act was limiting the number of immigrants that enter the United States through the origins quota. This was also, separating the Asian immigrants.
  • Revenue Act

    This act cut federal tax rates and established the United States Board of Tax Appeals.
  • Dawes Plan

    This was a plan that proposed by the committee, so that WW1 could be resolved. This would make the Germany be forced to pay.
  • The Scoops Trial

    John T. Scopes was a substitute teacher that was taken to trial for violating the Butler Act when he was teaching evolution to the students.
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover became the 31st president of the United States.
  • United States Market Crash

    This consisted of four days that contributed to the Great Depression. After this, the market decreased by 25%.
  • Franklin Roosevelt

    Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States.
  • End of Prohibition

    This allowed alcohol to be manufactured and sold in the United States.
  • Hilter Becomes Fuher

    He became the supreme power of Germany. This allows him the opportunity to be in control of what happens inside the boarder of Germany.
  • Hossbach Conference

    This was a major turning point for Hitter's policy and military.
  • World War II Begins

    This World War started after Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • Battle of Britain

    This was a battle in the air between Germany and Britain. There were about 1,000 British aircraft that were shot down while Germany had over 1,800.
  • Pearl Harbor

    This event made the US join the war. This was an attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan.