1920s Timeline

  • The Eighteenth Amendment was ratified.

    The Eighteenth Amendment was ratified.
    The Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the sale of alcohol In the United States. This caused a lot of problems throughout the 20's.
  • The Nineteenth Amendment was ratified.

    The Nineteenth Amendment was ratified.
    The Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote.
  • Sacco-Vanzetti Trial

    Sacco-Vanzetti Trial
    Two Italian immigrants, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, were convicted for murder and later on executed.
  • World Series

    World Series
    This was the first time a World Series was broadcasted by radio. The game was played between the New York Giants and the New York Yankees.
  • President Harding Dies

    President Harding Dies
    Warren G. Harding died from a stroke in San Francisco.
  • Calvin Coolidge

    Calvin Coolidge
    Calvin Coolidge becomes the 30th United States President due to the death of Warren G. Harding.
  • Charles Lindbergh

    Charles Lindbergh
    Charles Lindbergh completes the first transatlantic flight. He completes this accomplishment in his famous plane, "Spirit of St. Louis".
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Herbert Hoover becomes the 31st president of the United States after winning the election against Al Smith.
  • Mickey Mouse

    Mickey Mouse
    The Mickey Mouse character was given life after he premiered in Walt Disney's cartoon, "Steamboat Willie".
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The stock market crashed because everyone wanted to sell their stocks at one time and the banks did not have the money to back up their requests.