
  • The Volstead Act

    The Volstead Act was a political Act that went into effect in 1920 and ratified the 18th amendment. The started the age of the prohibition where, creation, consumption, and transportation of all things liqueur became illegal.
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  • The Emergency Quota Act of 1921

    This political Quota legislation was passed in order to establish the nations first ever limitation on the amount of immigrants allowed in the country. This law was later redone in 1924 with stricter laws and punishments.
  • The Immigration Act of 1924

    This Political Immigration Act was created in 1924 by Johnson and Reed. This law limited the amount of foreigners allowed to enter the united states.
  • Alaine Locke

    A social event during 1925 Alain Locke published his book titled "The New Negro". He was known for being a theorist, critic, and interpreter.
  • The Scopes Monkey Trial

    The Scopes monkey trial was a political event to be held in 1925. A substitute high school teacher by the name of john scopes was arrested on May 5th 1925 for teaching evolution in Tennessee where a recent law had been passed making it illegal. His Trial was eight days long and so crowded some of it had to be held outside. He was let off yet fined $100 and that law stayed intact up until 1967.
  • Ford Model T Production

    Created models until 1927. Affected social life by changing lifestyles and creating the need for more things such as drive through windows. The production of the Ford Model T created a large amount of job opportunities and higher wages helping the American economy.
  • George Gershwin

    A socially affected event during the 1920's would be when Composer George created "An American in Paris." He did this in 1928 when he spent time abroad in paris.
  • Stock Market Crash