
Mark Curcuro American History b

  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    A group of people revived during the 1920s who wanted white supremacy
  • Flappers

    Women who protested what they were forced to be.
  • !*th Amendment

    !*th Amendment
    Prohibited alcohol but also caused people to brew their own and bars sold it illegally. ended when the 21st amendment was passed
  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
    Americans feared communist Russia
  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey
    Wanted blacks to separate from America and form their own nation.
  • Louis Armstrong

    Louis Armstrong
    The unofficial ambassador of jazz. Became a legend in jazz music
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald

    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    Said that the 1920s were the jazz age but it was African Americans who created jazz.
  • Jazz

    A musical form based on improvisation.
  • Langston Hughes

    Langston Hughes
    The greatest African American literary voice during the jazz age. He celebrated black culture.
  • The Quota Act

    The Quota Act
    Set the maximum number of immigrants per year
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover Elected for president right at the start of the Great Depression. He was blamed for much of what happened
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The fall of the stock market and a huge factor in the beginnings of the great depression.
  • Period: to

    The Dust Bowl

    An Area in the great plains affected by severe droughts and wind storms.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Created by Franklin Roosevelt created this to give money to farmers so they would produce fewer crops and help the economy with overproduction
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Roosevelt was the creator of the first and second new deal and won the election by the largest margin on record
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    Created by Franklin Roosevelt to Provide Navigation, Flood Control, and Hydro electric power
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    Created by Franklin Roosevelt to give 5000 insurance to build trust in banks and restore the economy
  • Securities And Exchange Commision

    Created by Franklin Roosevelt to protect investors and maintain a fair and orderly stock market.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Created by Franklin Roosevelt to give people jobs building roads and bridges.
  • Rural Electrification Administration

    Created by Franklin Roosevelt to provide electricity to millions of American farmers.