1919 - 1939

  • Parliment Election

    Friedrich Ebert became the president of the German Republic
  • Milan Fascio

    Benito Mussolini forms a group who wants to eliminate the senate, gaurantee land for poor farmers, and improve working conditions with the help of a single leader instead of democracy.
  • Fascists Attack

    Italian Fascists attaked the Office of the Socialist Party's Newspaper
  • Versailles Treaty Signed

    The peace treaty after WWI. The treaty was created signed at the vast Versailles Palace near Paris between Germany and the Allies. The three most important politicians there were David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson. Hundreds of people were involved in the process and the final signing ceremony. Many wanted Germany, who was led by Friedrich Ebert, smashed.
  • Beginning of "Jazz Age"

    Flappers, silent movies and more automobiles on the streets.
  • Civil War between Bolsheviks

  • Beginning of Prohibition Act

    Prohibition in the United States was a national ban on the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol. It was stated as the 18th amendment
  • Establishment of League of Nations

    Woodrow Wilson creates the league of nations
  • Kapp Putsch

    A coup attempt to overthrow the Wiemar Republic
  • Reparations Set for Germany: £6.6 billion

    Reparations were £6.6 billion
  • The Kronstadt Uprising

  • Waren Harding Elected President

    Waren Harding was elected president of the Unites States.
  • Anglo-Irish Truce

    The Irish gain their independence from Great Britain.
  • Washington Naval Treaty

  • Communists create the USSR

    USSR stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • Mussolini in Power

    In 1922 the Fascists party had become a significant force in Italian politics. However, Mussolini was not pleased, for he wanted to rule all of Italy. Mussolini led the March on Rome. This march convinced Italy's king to put Mussolini at the head of Italy's government.
  • Occupation of Ruhr by France and Belgium

  • Beer Hall Putsch

  • Hyperinflation in Germany reaches its peak

  • The death of Vladimir Lenin

  • Dawes Plan renegotiates reparations for Germany

  • Mein Kampf published

  • Locarno Treaty

  • Mussolini creats a Fascist dictatorship in Italy

  • Germany joins Leaque of Nations

  • Hitler Declared Leader (Führer) of the Nazi Party

  • Kellogg–Briand Pact

    International agreement in which signatory states promised not to use war to resolve "disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them"
  • Soviet 5 year plan

    A list of economic goals is created by Stalin to help the country improve militarily, industrially and fininacially.
  • Stalin introduces his first 5-year plan

  • Germany Annexed Austria

    Hitler demanded that Austrian officials accept annexation by Germany. Many people is Austria had already supported Hilter and the Nazi Party. Austria knew that Germany would take it by force, and that the people supported the unnification with Germany.
  • Young Plan

    Second renegotiation of Germany's World War I reparation payments.
  • Wall Street Crash (Black Tuesday)

  • Allied withdrawal from the Rhineland

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected president of the USA

  • Jewish children were restricted entry into German schools

  • Prohibition Ends

  • Hitler combined the offices of President and Chancellor

    The German Army swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler.
  • Berlin Olympics

  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    Hitler and Stalin secretly met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. In the pact, both sides promised not to attack each other. The pact allowed German aggression in Europe to go even further. The pact also had a secret section in which it recognized each side's right to take territory in Eastern Europe. This included dividing Poland into two.
  • Germany invades Poland