1919-1929 time line

  • lenin and the communist state red scare

    lenin and the communist state red scare
    lenin founded the communist state in russia. it was a system base on a one party government.
  • volstead act

    volstead act
    this was the legislation for the 18 amendment.it helped put the bill in motion.
  • plamer raids

    plamer raids
    an attempt by the u.s. to arrest and deport raical leftists. more then 500 forgein citizens were deported
  • 18th amendment

    18th amendment
    this amendment prohibited the sale of alcohol in the u.s this enraged many americans
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    gave women the right to vote . it took 40 years for congress to pass the bill
  • teapot dome affair

    teapot dome affair
    leased navy protlem oil at teapot dome. took bribes for companies for low wages.
  • national originns act

    national originns act
    limited the annual number of immigrants
  • scopes trail

    scopes trail
    john scopes was accused of violating tennessee state law.he was teaching his students evoltion
  • charles lindbergh crosses the atlantic

    charles lindbergh crosses the atlantic
    may 21 he crossed the cost of france . first man to crosses the atlantic.
  • sacco & vanzetti trail

    sacco & vanzetti trail
    they robbed and murded people. they wernt cought for there crimes tilll three weeks later.
  • 1st talking movie, the jazz singer

    1st talking movie, the jazz singer
    sep 27 the jazz singer was the first talking movie. was first shown in europe.
  • herbert hoover elected president

    herbert hoover elected president
    he was the 31 presdent. the depression happened during his terms.
  • 1st animated video, steamboat willie

    1st animated video, steamboat willie
    it was made by walt disney studieos. this waas the third film that staried mickey mouse.
  • stock market crash

    stock market crash
    was the cause of the great depression. the depression lasted 12 years.