
By jgriego
  • What was their impact on the american families?

    Many families were effected by the Great Depression. During this time the initial wave was involved and certain families moved to major northern cities. The first large movement of blacks occurred during the World War I. During this time it was nearly the end of the intense immigration from Europe.
  • Period: to


  • How did goverment cause or respond to the events?

    Government spending increased from 8.0%. The economy was destabilized by bank failures. Hoover had considered a “bank holiday” which was the help prevent the further bank ruins. Once Roosevelt took office he right away took control of the bank crisis. Roosevelt took office and began a steady recovery to the economy.
  • How did businesses response affect families?

    Businesses responded to help families by the government having a group going around by giving people jobs. All of the families have moved to California. Some banks were bankrupt to save money.
  • What economic events took place?

    There are several economic events that occurred during these times, such as the cut of the diplomatic ties with Germany. There was a telegram sent saying that Germany was to give back the southwest united states to Mexico this was meant to be a piece offering. In 1919 the treaty of Versailles was signed ending world war I.
  • What did the american family look like?

    On how the American Families looked depended on whether they were wealthy or pore. Some families had kids and worked their farms. Some were living out of their cars looking for jobs. Some families with lived other big families.
    On how the American Families looked depended on whether they were wealthy or pore. Some families had kids and worked their farms. Some were living out of their cars looking for jobs. Some families with lived other big families.
  • How healthy was the us economy during your time period?

    The economy in this time period was weak. During the year 1929 there was a crash in Wall Street. This led to greater economic troubles considering it was just adding on to the effects of the great depression. This means that the United States government was in great turmoil.
  • How did buisnesses respond?

    During the Great Depression and after. When the Great Depression happened for farming and for the farm lands. Farmers ere forced to move to big cities and crop stocks went down. The prices on wheat, corn, and bread went up. After world war 2 things started to get better. Stocks started going back up, car sells were getting better made, and selling more corn, wheat, and bread went back up