1899: The Victorians and the Edwardians

By Muddi
  • Steam engine high preasure

    Steam engine high preasure
  • first washing machine

    first washing machine
  • Period: to


  • type writer

    type writer
    The first typewriter to be commercially successful was invented in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes, Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soul
  • first fax machine

    first fax machine
    The first fax machine was invented by Scottish mechanic and inventor Alexander Bain.
  • First toilet paper

    First toilet paper
    People have use toilet paper but the first offical produktion was in 1857. The funktion is to dry ass.
  • typewriter

  • First dynamite

    First dynamite
    Dynamite was invented by the Swedish chemist and engineer Alfred Nobel in Krümmel
  • First telephone

    First telephone
    The first telephone was developed in 1875 by Alexander Graham Bell. Its funktion was to speek with other people over distance.
  • First Radio

    First Radio
  • first lie detector

    first lie detector
    The polygraph was invented in 1921 by John Augustus Larson. It was made to detedt lies.
  • First AutoMobile

    First AutoMobile
    The first automobile, the gasoline engine is made by Karl Friedrich Benz
  • Conveyor belt

    Conveyor belt
  • First Bra

    First Bra
    The bra was made in the start of 1900. Its funktion is to holde girls brest.