Jordan Swindler

  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industril Revolution started in Great Britain for three reasons; it had a lot of coal and iron to power factories and engines, there were wealthy men for investments and displaced farmers needed jobs in the city. During the Industrial Revolution the use of machines grew very rapidly. Instead of working on land, on farms, there were more jobs in factories.
  • 1st successful steam engine is built

    1st successful steam engine is built
  • Mexico declares it's independence

    Mexico declares it's independence
    A priest that lived in a small town in southern Mexico named Miguel Hidalgo, made a first public call for Mexican independence in 1810. Inspired by efforts by Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin, leading independence movements across South America, revolutions flared up, causing a dozen nations to declare independence. The man who made the independence happen in Mexico was a creole military leader.
  • Michael Faradays' Dynamo

    Michael Faradays' Dynamo
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    Hong Xiuquan bealived he was the brother of Jesus and wanted to make a Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace where no one would be poor. The followers of Hong Xiuquan formed the movement called the Taiping Rebellion. More than 20 million Chinese died during the rebellion because French and British armies attacked deafeating the the Taiping army.
  • Sepoy Mutiny in India

    Sepoy Mutiny in India
  • Karl Marx's "Das Capital"

    Karl Marx's "Das Capital"
    Karl Marx beleived that capitalism would collapse and that workers would eventually govern themselves. In Das Capital Karl Marx put in his arguments about capitalism. He thought that capitalism disrupted the relationship between working and making money.
  • The Meiji Restoration

    The Meiji Restoration
  • Franco - Prussian War

    Franco - Prussian War
  • Spanish-American War begins

    Spanish-American War begins
    When a US battleship exploded randomly, Americans blamed Spain saying that they were responsible. Spain didn't have a lot of luck with the war because within a month the US had won the war. In the treaty that ended the war, the US got Puerto Rico and Guam.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
  • Russo - Japenese War

    Russo - Japenese War
    To end the Russo-Japenese War, both sides asked US president, Theodore Roosevelt to help with a peace treaty, called the Treaty of Portsmouth. The treaty allowed Japan control over Russian railway lines. When Japan had defeated Russia a big celebration happened, showing that Asian power could beat European.
  • Franz Ferdinand is killed

    Franz Ferdinand is killed
  • Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

    Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
    The Russian army rebelled against each other, killing their own men because of a failed militray order. Since the army was weak, Lenin saw this as good time for a takeover. Eventually he took over the government and quickly created a Communist program.
  • US joins WWI

    US joins WWI
  • Mussolini's Fascist party in Italy

    Mussolini's  Fascist party in Italy
  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

    Treaty of Versailles is signed
    The treay was signed at the French Palace of Versailles, that's why it is named the Treaty of Versailles. the treaty was pretty much against Germany. Germany was forced to pay a lot of money, it weakened Germany, it forced them to weaken the size of their military and Germany had to return to conquered lands.
  • Russia become USSR

    Russia become USSR
    When Russia's government started to improve, Russia reunited with neighboring lands. When they reunited Russia became a new country called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, (The Soviet Union). During the time of the ecomnomy becoming stronger, Lenin was getting sick and eventually died from several strokes, which led to struggle of control for the USSR.
  • NAFTA is formed

  • Stalin's rule in the USSR begins

  • Black Tuesday stock market crash

    Black Tuesday stock market crash
  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
    In 1923, Hitler got thrown in prison for trying to overthrow the German government, while in prison he wrote a book decribing his political ideas. When Hitler was released form prison, the great depression has Germany in a hole and they needed a strong leader. Hitler promised that he would improve things for Germany so he was appointed chancellor, the most powerful post in the German goverment.
  • Germany attacks Poland - WWII begins

    Germany attacks Poland - WWII begins
  • Japan attacks on Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks on Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacked Pearl Habor because there was a US naval base there. The surprise attack lasted less than 2 hours, but over 2,000 Americans died, 200 aircrafts were destryoed and the 8 battleships were damaged or sunk. Americans knew that the base was lightly armed but they didn't expect an attack.
  • US declares war on Japan

    US declares war on Japan
  • D-Day

  • Nuremberg trials are held

    Nuremberg trials are held
    In the Nuremberg trials hundreds of Nazis and military officials were tried in court. Many were sentened to deather because of the crimes commited in the holocaust and other war crimes. The Soviet Union received a large share of pay from Germnay because of their destruction from the war.
  • US drops A-bomb on Hiroshima

    US drops A-bomb on Hiroshima
  • Apartheid in South Africa

    Apartheid in South Africa
    The policy of apartheid meant apartness, this caused racial disciminiation to heighten. Races were split into groups, interracial marriages were banned and there were further restrictions on African ownership of land and buisnesses. Blacks made up 75% of the South African population but could not vote or hold political voice and they were restricted to certain jobs with little pay.
  • Mao Zedong's people republic of China

    Mao Zedong's people republic of China
  • Korean War is fought

    Korean War is fought
    North Korea attacked South Korea wanting to unite the countries, hoping for a Communist expansion. North Korea took over most of South Korea but The United Nations became involved and pushed the Koreans back far into the North Korea. The war shifted again when Chinese forces helped Nother Korean forces, pushing The United Nations out of North Korea.
  • Vietnam War is fought

  • Fidel Castro's Communism in Cuba

    Fidel Castro's Communism in Cuba
    Fidel Castro overthrew cuba's dictator. Because of this new governent that Castor formed, the US became worried and trained over 1,000 Cubans to overthrow Castro. The US thought the Cubans would be against Castro, but instead they were defeated.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev power in USSR

  • USSR collapses and Russia is back

  • Persian Gulf war begins

  • WTO is formed