
  • Thomas Jefferson Elected

    Thomas Jefferson Elected
    Thomas helped lead the nation into the "Era of good feelings" and helped advance the nation as a whole.
  • Louisiana Purchased

    Louisiana Purchased
    The United States purchased a huge chunk of land from the french, on of the biggest land purchases ever.
  • Second Great awakening begins

    Second Great awakening begins
    This was started by the women of each household encouraging their families to convert
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war was between Britian and the US and helped solidify the US as a nation.
  • McCulloch V. Maryland

    McCulloch V. Maryland
    Maryland imposed a tax on any non maryland bills but was ruled unconstitutional by the federal Government.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This led to the ability for the state to vote to be a slave state or not. Led to great tensions.
  • Andrew Jackson Elected

    Andrew Jackson Elected
    Andrew was rough but an effective president. he did things past presidents were hesitant to do but needed to be done.
  • The Liberator begins Publication

    The Liberator begins Publication
    the paper made many northerners begin talking about the problems with slavery.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    South Carolina tried to say Tariffs were unconstitutional but no other state sided with them
  • Tocqueville publishes Democracy of America

    Tocqueville publishes Democracy of America
    he wrote about America and how it was formed.
  • emerson publishes self reliance

    emerson publishes self reliance
    Ralph's book was about the fact of having nature surround you and not to be too busy.
  • Dorthea Dix visits her first jail with insane inmates

    Dorthea Dix visits her first jail with insane inmates
    Dorthea was a big advocate in the right treatment of those with mental disabilities.
  • Frederick Douglass Publishes his Autobiography

    Frederick Douglass Publishes his Autobiography
    Frederick's book led people to believe that slaves were actually humans as well.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    the first women rights convention and was very impactful
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    this allowed Southerners to go into the north to retrieve slaves. this led to northerners physically seeing slavery.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin published
    This questionable book caused anger throughout the nation and caused strife everywhere.
  • Thoreau publishes Walden

    Thoreau publishes Walden
    he talks about the vitality of being independent from society and how we should strive to not be sucked in by it.
  • whitman publishes leaves of grass(1st edition)

    whitman publishes leaves of grass(1st edition)
    this was whitmans masterpiece. this ran hand in hand with Ralph's book with the thought of being independent and out in the woods
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    A slave sued his master because they moved to a free state. The court ruled a slave is unable to sue since he is not human.
  • John Brown Attacks Harper's Ferry

    John Brown Attacks Harper's Ferry
    John Brown led a revolt on a garrison to arm slaves and free all of them. this led to his murder and all those who participated.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    The growing tensions finally boiled over when in 1861, the north and south started attacking each other.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected

    Abraham Lincoln Elected
    Abe is now considered one of the greatest Presidents of all time because he helped keep our nation a whole.