
  • Proclamation of 1763

    In an attempt to avoid violence from the Native Americans, the act was meant to prohibit any American colonists from exploring the land that was acquired during the French and Indian War.
  • Sugar Act - 1764

    The Sugar Act was a tax and regulation placed on molasses and sugar meant to discourage the smuggling of the goods.
  • Currency Act- 1764

    During this point in time, the colonies started producing their own currency as British money was hard to acquire, to avoid this the British Parliament passed the act which prohibited any use of the American currency.
  • Stamp Act - 1765

    The Stamp Act required the colonies to place a stamp on all documents including: legal documents, pamphlets, and playing cards. There was a tax on the stamps though, ranging anywhere from a few pence up to 10 pounds.
  • Quartering Act of 1765

    After tensions rose with the colonists and Britain, Parliament instated the Quartering Act, which required the colonies to provide housing for any British soldiers and certain materials, if there was no more room then housing needed to be created. This made the colonists very angry and they refused to comply.
  • Declaratory Act - 1766

    Accompanied by the removal of the Stamp Act, the Declaratory Act stated that Parliament has complete control over the colonies, before this act was instated Parliament often left colonies to mostly govern themselves.
  • Townshend Acts - 1767-1768

    Meant to give more power over Parliament, the Townshend Act placed taxes on goods and placed more British military in America. The Colonists were angry about this because they were given no representation in Parliament to make the choice.
  • Boston Massacre - 1770

    The riot started between a group workers and one lone British soldier, while there was no serious harm done, this showed how the Colonists felt about Britain.
  • Boston Tea Party - 1773

    As the taxes rose for the American colonies, they began to boycott certain merchandise, one night a large group of colonists broke into a merchant boat and destroyed hundreds of chests of tea.
  • Quebec Act of 1774

    This was an act that greatly offended the colonists because it gave emancipation to the French people in Quebec which also refused land to any of the American states.
  • Quartering Act of 1774

    This act deployed British Soldiers in the American colonies and also required the colonies to provide barracks and other needs for the soldiers
  • Intolerable Acts - 1774

    The intolerable acts were a group of acts that were meant to put pressure on the Colonies for refusing to comply with Parliament