
  • molassas act

    placed tax in import of rum and molasses from any non-English area
    colonist protested the tax
  • proclimation of 1763

    document to try to make peace with Indians, and forbid colonist to settle west.
    thought they were being stripped of their rights to occupy land they had just fought for.
  • sugar act

    outlawed importation of foreign rum, put heavy tax on luxury items (wine, silk, coffee)
    merchants, legislators, and town meetings protested the law
  • Intolerable acts- quartering act

    required colonist to provide royal troops with provisions and barracks.
    colonist thought it was a burden
  • stamp act

    required all paper to bear revenue stamps
    the colonist formed secret organizations to protest
  • mutiny act

    allowed Britain to house soldiers in inns, stables, personal houses
    colonist were angry and felt it was an invasion of privacy
  • declatory act

    asserted to authority of parliament to make laws binding in the colonies
    colonist won temporary respite
  • townshed act

    taxes were imposed on imported goods.
    the colonist were less mad than with the stamp act, but they weren't happy. They made do with what they had
  • Bosten Massacure

    Colonist started an innocent snowball fight mistaken for a mob, ended in a blood bath of colonist
  • Parliament's order

    Ended all of parliament's Townshend taxes on all items except for tea.
  • Committee of Correspondence

    states the rights and grievances of the colonists.
  • Bosten "Tea Party"

    The East India company appealed to the British government, and was granted the right to tax all tea exported to the colonies.
    Colonist were outraged
  • Intolerable acts- closed port

    Britain shut off port in Boston, threatening the economy
    colonist retaliated by dumping tea over board
  • Intolerable acts- Quebec Act

    extended boundaries south of Ohio River- they did not have a jury in court/ did not have representative assembly. Threatened colonial expansion/ dominance of catholic church threatened Protestant sects that dominated every colony
    colonist didn't like it because it interfered with future plans.