
  • Dien Bien Phu

    The longest, most
    furious battle of the French Expeditionary Corps in the Far East. 170 days of confrontation, 57 days of hell, Tonkin Vietnam
  • Creation of the Ho Chi Minh trial

    The Ho Chi Minh Trail was a complicated jungle paths that let communist troops to travel from North Vietnam to areas near to Saigon. received sixty tons of aid per day from this route. US air force tried to destroy it but failed,
  • United states becomes actively involved

    • They got involved in Vietnam because they wanted to stop the spread of communism. After France left Vietnam after being defeated in the battle of dien phu, the US wanted to take matters into their hands, they had already been helping the French by sending them supplies
  • Operation Rangeland

    Was an operation to clear the trees from the sides of the highways so that the US troops wouldn't get attacked by the Vietcong.
  • Golf of Tonkin attack

    The U.S.S. Maddox told the US that they where being shot at from the North Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin. These reports later became known as lies
  • Golf of Tonkin resolution

    The US congress gave President Johnson the power to use US troops in South Vietnam to protect them from communism
  • Rolling Thunder begins

    Rolling thunder was a planned attack to bomb the North Vienamese. The US would start slowly and let more bombs off over time. At first the main targets were highways, railroads, and bridges
  • Us offers Peace for economic aid proposal

    The US made an offer to the North Vitnamese that the they would give economic aid for peace in the war. The North Vietnamese ignored the offer and the US increased their troops in Vietnam.
  • 1st major battle of Vietnam war for American units

    The US launched Operation Starlite this was when the US attacked first .The US won the battle with only 45 deaths while the NVA lost 700 people. This happen at the marine base at Chu Lai.
  • President Johnson commits over 60000 troops to Vietnam

    The US is extremly into the war and their is no way to get out of the war unless the US would win.
  • American Forces total 385000

    The US is wanting to have the South Vietnamese to be democratic because they had so many troops there fighting.
  • Operation Junction city

    US going to the Vietcong headquarters to destroy their military base. It lasted 72 days north of Saigon
  • Tet offensive begins

    Vietcong attack the US and southern Vietnamese troops in South Vietnam. The Vietcong lost 37,000 people in the battle and the US lost 2,500.
  • My Lai massacre

    US Charlie Company killed 200 civilians in My Lai. One division in the attack was convicted of war crime.
  • Khe Sanh attacked by Vietcong

    The Vietcong attacks the US marine base in Khe Sanh which lasted for 2 days. Eighteen people were killed and 40 wounded in the first part of the battle.
  • Rolling thunder ends

    US lost 900 aircrafts and around 1,000 piolets. Rolling thunder killed 182,000 North Vietnamese civilians and 20,000 Chinese support personal.
  • operation menu

    Nixon orders the US troops to start bombing enemy military bases in Cambodia. This was out of the restrictions that the government gave Nixon.
  • Nixon takes office

    Nixon become President and told the US to end the war with "Peace With Honor." Also he promised the US that he would get all the troops out of Vienam and keep South Vietnam surviving.
  • spraying of agent orange ends

    The US stops spraying Agent Orange in Vietnam after spraying more than 11 million gallons of the chemical
  • All but 133,000 US troops have come home

    The US is trying to get out of the war but still attempting to keep South Vietnam alive.
  • Peace talks break down

    The US and North Vietnam are trying to make peace in Parris and they are starting to disagree.
  • Peace Talks resume

    The peace talks are starting and both sides want to end the war.
  • Cease Fire Signed

    All sides have signed the cease fire and the violence ceased
  • Nixon Resigns

    President Nixon Resigns at the end of the Vietnam war and The US has to finish the war with its strongest advocate.
  • Last Casualties for the US and Final Evacuation

    The end of the Vietnam War as the last two US marines died. The War lasted 15 years and North Vietnam took over South Vietnam after the US left Vietnam.