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The Age of Peace, Change and Tragedy

By wmchale
  • First Televised Debate

    First Televised Debate
    First televised debate, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon
  • Briggs Stadium Renamed

    Briggs Stadium Renamed
    Briggs stadium renamed Tiger Stadium
  • LBJ visits West Berlin

    LBJ visits West Berlin
    Vice-president, Lyndon B. Johnson visits West Berlin.
  • Marilyn Monroe's death

    Marilyn Monroe's death
    Marilyn Monroe found dead with an empty bottle of pills.
  • Most Dangerous Moment of the Cuban Missle Crisis

    Most Dangerous Moment of the Cuban Missle Crisis
    The Most Dangerous Moment, soviet ships made no attempt to break U.S. blockade while nuclear missile bases remained operational.
  • I Have A Dream

    I Have A Dream
    Martin Luther King gave his civil rights movement speech for racial integration.
  • John F. Kennedy Assassination

    John F. Kennedy Assassination
    John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas
  • Mary Poppins

    Mary Poppins
    A musical and Disney classic was released.
  • Astroturf Patent

    Astroturf Patent
    Co-invented by James M. Faria and Robert T. Wright in 1964, and then later patented.
  • Batman TV series

    Batman TV series
    Batman TV series starring Adam West.
  • U.S. Nuclear Test

    U.S. Nuclear Test
    U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada test site.
  • Muhammad Ali convicted

    Muhammad Ali convicted
    Muhammad Ali convicted for refusing induction in the U.S. Army.
  • MLK Assassination

    MLK Assassination
    Martin Luther King is assassinated.
  • Landing on the Moon

    Landing on the Moon
    First landing on the moon, Neil Armstrong.
  • Woodstock

    A festival where half a million spent "three days of peace" and music.