Journey Through the 60's

  • The Beginning Of The Civil Rights Movement

    The Beginning Of The Civil Rights Movement
    Four black college students sat in at a lunch counter in North Carolina and refused to leave. They were allowed to stay but were permitted to receive service.
  • The United States Invades Cuba

    The United States Invades Cuba
    On April 25th THe U.S invaded Cuba but the misson was a failure
  • The U2 Spy Plane

    The U2 Spy Plane
    The American spy plane, U2 was shot down and discovered by Russia
  • The New President

    The New President
    On January 20 , John F Kennedy was sworn into Presidency of the U.S
  • First Man In Space

    First Man In Space
    On April 12 - Yuri Gagarin of the USSR becomes the first man in space.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1960

    Civil Rights Act of 1960
    President Dwight D Eisenhower signs the Civil Rights Act of 1960.
  • America Orbits The Earth

    America Orbits The Earth
    Lt.John Glenn Jr was the first American to Orbit the Earth, 4 times in 4 hours and 55 minutes
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    The Cuban Missle Crisis was almost a nuclear war
  • I Have a Dream

    I Have a Dream
    Dr. Martin Luther King delievered his "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington, D.C on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in front of millions
  • Nuclear Ban

    Nuclear Ban
    The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was taken if effect
  • JFK Asssasination

    JFK Asssasination
    President Jhon F Kennedy was assiasinated while his motorcade rode through the streets of Dallas, Tx
  • The New President

    The New President
    On January 7th President Lyndon B Jhonson was swron into presidency in replacement of JFk
  • First African American In Surpreme Court

    First African American In Surpreme Court
    Thurdgood Marshall was appointed to serve on the Surprem Court by President Jhonson and was the first African American to do so.
  • Captured by Koreans

    Captured by Koreans
    The USS was captured by Koreans after wandering into Korean waters along with crewmen, they were held until December 23rd