
Period 5, Marin, History of Earth Timeline

  • 5000 Billion years ago, Birth of the solar system

    5000 Billion years ago, Birth of the solar system
    More than 100 billion years sice the universe explode into existence from nothing the solar system interstellar gas and dust.
  • 4.6 BYA Earth began to form.

    4.6 BYA Earth began to form.
  • 3.8 BYA Bacteria diversify.

    3.8 BYA Bacteria diversify.
  • 3.7 BYA Photosynthesizing bacteria

    3.7 BYA Photosynthesizing bacteria
  • 3.5 BYA Oldest fossils,

    3.5 BYA Oldest fossils,
  • 2.2 BYA Oxygen appears in the enviroment, causing damage to living tissues.

    2.2 BYA Oxygen appears in the enviroment, causing damage to living tissues.
  • 1.8 BYA Oldest eukaryote fossils,

    1.8 BYA Oldest eukaryote fossils,
  • 800 mya Major glaciation period begins.

    800 mya Major glaciation period begins.
  • 600 mya Protective ozone layer in place.

    600 mya Protective ozone layer in place.
  • 480 mya Land plants.

    480 mya Land plants.
  • 400 mya Oxygen nears present day levels.

    400 mya Oxygen nears present day levels.
  • 350 mya Reptiles

    350 mya Reptiles
  • 250 mya 90 percent of all species go extinct.

    250 mya 90 percent of all species go extinct.
  • 220 mya Mmmals

    220 mya Mmmals
  • 200 mya Pangaea starts to break apart

    200 mya Pangaea starts to break apart
  • 65 mya 60-80 percent of all species go extinct.

    65 mya 60-80 percent of all species go extinct.
  • 60 mya Primates

    60 mya Primates
  • 5.2 mya Hominids

    5.2 mya Hominids
  • 100,00 years Modern Humans

    100,00 years Modern Humans
  • 100.00 years All mammals and birds over 45 pound go extinct.

    100.00 years All mammals and birds over 45 pound go extinct.