formation of solar syatem and sun

  • 5 BYA (formation of the solar syatem.)

    5 BYA (formation of the solar syatem.)
    It was a mass of swirling dust and debris
  • 4.6 bya (the earth began to form)

    4.6 bya (the earth began to form)
    earth formed by a large amount of dust and debris coming together.
  • 4 bya (organic molecules)

    4 bya (organic molecules)
    organic molecules started to accumulate archae.
  • 4 bya (long time)

    4 bya (long time)
    700000 times as long a period of recorded history. 50 million times as long as a human life
  • 3.5 bya (stromanict layers)

    3.5 bya (stromanict layers)
    stromantict layers and fossiales found from 3.5 billion years ago
  • 3 bya (photosynthetic)

    3 bya (photosynthetic)
    forms of life became photosynthetic, this is inffered by trace chemicle evidence.
  • 2.2 bya (earth)

    2.2 bya (earth)
    earth started to look the way it is today.
  • 2 bya(oxygen)

    2 bya(oxygen)
    oxegen levels reached todays levels.
  • 2-1.5 bya(endosymbiosis)

    2-1.5 bya(endosymbiosis)
    small aerobic prokaryotes start to live inside larger anaerobic prokaryotes this was called endosymbiosis
  • 1 bya (ozone)

    1 bya (ozone)
    ozone formed protecting us from uv rays.
  • Disproved spontaneus combustion (1626)

    Francesco redi was first to deny the spontaneus generation theory. Created meat experiment w/ flies
  • Robert Hooke (1665)

    Robert hooke studied nature by using an early light microscope.
  • (1729) Spallanzini

    (1729) Spallanzini
    Created experiment with a sealed vial of broth and a open vial. proved spontaneus generation
  • (1872) Louis Pasteur

    Won award for clearing up the spontaneus generation theory.
  • (1894) Soviet Alexander Oparin

    Thought that early atmosphere contained ammonia & at high temperatures these gases might have formed simple organic compounds such as amino acids
  • (1900s) Lynn Marulis

    okaryotic cells may have developed a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • (1953) Urey and Miller

    Concluded that organic compounds might only have been possible in areas protected from the atmosphere, such as undersea hot springs.
  • Sidney Fox(1900)

    Sidney Fox did extensive research on physical structures that could have given rise to the first cells. These structures are microspheres and coacervates.
  • (1980s) Thomas Cech

    Thomas Cech discovered ribozymes. RNAs molecule that can act as a catalyst and promote a specific chemical reaction. His findings support the hypothesis that life could have started with self-replicating molecules of RNA